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Agricultural pesticides - Basic level

Start date: 29/07/2024
Ending date: 05/08/2024
Modality: In person
Location: Talayuela (Cáceres)


25 -hour course aimed at auxiliary personnel in land and air treatments, including non-agricultural ones, and farmers who carry out these treatments on their own farms without employing auxiliary personnel and using phytosanitary products that are not toxic, highly toxic or deadly, and do not generate gases. It will also be issued to auxiliary distribution personnel who handle phytosanitary products.

Training Plan:
1. Pests. Control methods. Phytosanitary defense measures.
2. Phytosanitary products: description and generalities.
3. Dangerousness of phytosanitary products and their residues
4. Risks arising from the use of phytosanitary products
5. Poisoning and other health effects. First aid.
6. Phytosanitary treatments. Application equipment.
7. Cleaning, maintenance, regulation and inspection of equipment.
8. Level of operator exposure: preventive and protective measures in the use of phytosanitary products.
9. Work-health relationship: regulations on prevention of occupational risks
10. Good environmental practices. Environmental awareness
11. Environmental protection and disposal of empty containers: specific regulations
12. Traceability principles. Food and feed hygiene requirements.
13. Good phytosanitary practice: interpretation of labelling and safety data sheets.
14. Regulations affecting the use of phytosanitary products. Violations and sanctions.
15. Practices for applying phytosanitary products.
16. Final evaluation

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