Animal welfare in zoological centres
Start date:
Ending date:
In person
Autonomous community:
Castilla - La Mancha
Ciudad Real
Avda. del Vino 10. Valdepeñas (C. Real)
All the details:
The Regional Centre for Animal Selection and Reproduction (CERSYRA-IRIAF) of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha has organised the course "Animal welfare in zoological centres" , valid for accrediting training in Zoological Centres: shelters and shelters, pet shops, packs of hounds and breeders.
The program includes the following topics:
- Animal Welfare Training Needs.
- Responsible animal ownership and CITES convention.
- Animal Welfare. Concept, evolution of knowledge in ethology and physiology of stress and pain.
- Health and safety at work.
- Requirements for personnel working with animals.
- Legislation on the protection of domestic, companion and exotic animals in zoological centres.
- Factors influencing animal welfare I: Staff, accommodation and health conditions of different domestic, wild and exotic species.
- Capture techniques, immobilization systems. Tranquilizers and Sedatives.
- Factors that influence animal welfare II: Characteristics of a correct identification, feeding, water supply and management of different domestic and wild species.
- Stressful situations and stereotyped behaviors.
- Protection of animals during transport.
Optionally, students who wish to do so may participate in a visit to a zoo.