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The poultry sector in figures: key economic indicators 2023
Document with economic indicators of the poultry meat sector in Spain.
The poultry sector in figures: main economic indicators
Document with economic indicators of the laying poultry sector in Spain.
Characterization of the dairy sheep and goat sector in Spain. Data for the year 2023
Document characterising the dairy sheep and goat sector in Spain.
The sheep and goat meat sector in figures. Main economic indicators
Document with the economic indicators of the sheep and goat meat sector.
Characterization of the sheep and goat meat sector in Spain (data for 2023)
Document characterising the sheep and carp meat sector in Spain.
Study on the beef sector in Spain. Calf fattening. SITRAN 2021 data
Analysis of the basic aspects of the productive activity dedicated to calf fattening in Spain as well as its evolution in recent years through the analysis of the information contained in the SITRAN database.
The beef sector in figures. Key economic indicators. Data for 2023
Summary of the situation of the beef sector with figures up to 2023.
Summary report. Characterization of the beef cattle sector 2023
Summary of the characterization of the beef cattle sector.
National programme for official hygiene control of primary livestock production
The aim of the Programme is to unify in a single control all those basic aspects that must be taken into account when controlling the hygiene of a livestock farm without entering into other controls that are governed by specific regulations.
Mediterranean organic production and climate change: Technical report
Extract from the study “Mediterranean Organic Production and Climate Change: State of Knowledge” published by Ecovalia and carried out by the Clemente Mata Chair of Organic Production at the University of Córdoba.
Improving the Management of Agricultural Farms
One of the challenges facing the sector is to improve the management of the efficiency of agricultural holdings. Innovation is of crucial importance to achieve this. The agricultural sector is immersed in an accelerated process of updating and adapting to a digital model that is marked by the incorporation of information and communication technologies.
Study on access to land. Final document of the focus group on access to land
Summary of the activities and recommendations of the Focal Group on Access to Land promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the preparation of a document to support dialogue between the competent administrations in the preparation of Spain's Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2020.
Scientific and technical guidelines for the application of the principle of not causing significant damage to the environment: Plant conservation structures, habitat for fauna
Technical guidelines for the improvement and sustainability of irrigation for plant and wildlife conservation structures.
Outreach and training programme on good agricultural practices (GAP)
Document that brings together good agricultural practices within the framework of the Plan for improving efficiency and sustainability in irrigation.
Survey on crop areas and yields. Analysis of irrigation in Spain
Document containing the results of the survey on crop areas and yields (ESYRCE).
Evaluation of potential biomass in Spain at provincial level
Document that aims to provide the sources and methodology used to quantify waste/by-products at the provincial level and the results obtained from its application in Spain.
Spanish bioeconomy strategy Horizon 2030
Document that aims to boost economic activity and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of productive sectors that are linked to the use of biologically-based resources.
AKIS and advisory services in Spain
Report on the characterization of AKIS, the different actors that comprise it and the relationships that exist between them.
Training needs of rural youth
Study of training needs of rural youth.
Digitalisation strategy for the agri-food and forestry sector and the rural environment
Document defining the strategic lines and measures necessary to promote the digital transformation of the agri-food, forestry and rural sectors and the instruments provided for their implementation.