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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Poster announcing the FIMA 2026 fair
FIMA International Fair of Agricultural Machinery
FIMA will once again be the largest event in the agricultural world in Southern Europe. Mechanisation and technological innovations will show professionals the best way to make their farms more...
cover crops

Presentation of the main advances of the MAXI-CoberLEG Supra-autonomous Operational Group

National technical conference to present the results of the MAXI-CoberLEG Operational Group (Maximizing the benefits of cover crops through the selection of winter legume species and crop management), which will take place in person in Pontevedra and online through TEAMS. This initiative responds to a comprehensive approach that combines aspects of agrodiversity, genetic improvement, physiology, production and plant quality, and links them to the techno-economic demands and preferences of both producers and end consumers, to improve through R&D&I actions the competitiveness of a key export sector for the Spanish agri-food economy. The Supra-autonomous Operational Group MAXI-CoberLEG is made up of the Galician Business-University Foundation (FEUGA), Biological Mission of Galicia (MBG-CSIC), the Centre for Soil Science and Applied Biology of Segura (CEBAS-CSIC), the companies Masía el Carmen SL, Bio Varsella SL and the Agricultural Cooperative of Pego, Coop. V., and as subcontracted members the following entities: University of Valencia (UV), Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA), and Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence SL Program: 16:15 – Welcome to the Biological Mission of Galicia of the Spanish National Research Council (MBG-CSIC); Registration of attendees and delivery of promotional material. 16:30 – Presentation of the MAXI-CoberLEG Supra-autonomous Operational Group Beatriz Calviño Vázquez , Innovation and National Projects Manager at FEUGA 16:40 – Native biodiversity of legumes: lupine and its potential as winter groundcovers Dr. Marta Santalla Ferradás , Scientific Researcher of the Plant Development Genetics Group (DEVOLEG), of the Biological Mission of Galicia of the Higher Council for Scientific Research. 16:55 – Role of winter legume covers in the conservation of natural enemies in citrus Dr. César Monzó Ferrer, Senior Researcher at the Entomology Unit, Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research, Moncada (IVIA). 17:10 – Questions and answers 17:20 – Visit to the experimental test plots and germplasm bank of the seed collections 18:10 – Networking Aimed at farmers, cooperatives, production companies, companies related to increasing citrus productivity, business associations in the sector and clusters, Designations of Origin/Protected Geographical Indication, Public Administrations related to agriculture, the environment and/or rural development, universities, Research Groups and Technology Centres, end consumers and the general public. REGISTRATION
figan 2025

17th FIGAN 2025, International Fair for Animal Production

The 17th edition of the International Fair for Animal Production ( FIGAN ) will take place from March 25 to 28, 2025 at the Feria de Zaragoza facilities. FIGAN aims to become the meeting point for the livestock sector in the Iberian Peninsula once again. At the last edition, 987 exhibiting companies presented the most outstanding technological innovations , in 77,083 m2 of surface area. Among the main attractions of FIGAN 2025: An outstanding selection of pure breeds Various competitions and exhibitions Genetics Health Feeding Equipment Aquaculture A prominent presence of the equine sector
Animal Production
Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario

XXI Conference on Animal Production

Since 1985, the AIDA Animal Production Conference has become the reference forum in the Spanish-speaking world for the exchange of scientific and technical advances of interest among professionals and researchers in Animal Production. This 21st edition brings two important new features. Firstly, the meeting will be held at a new venue, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zaragoza. Secondly, a new section dedicated to precision livestock farming is being incorporated, which is added to the usual ones (genetics, nutrition/feeding, livestock systems/economics and management, reproduction, animal health and welfare and product quality).