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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...

Challenge Foodtech 2024 (Madrid)

ICEX Spain Export and Investments is organizing a face-to-face meeting with companies and key players in the Spanish Foodtech ecosystem to provide first-hand information on the Desafía program, an immersion and support program aimed at the FoodTech sector, with the aim of improving its scalability and growth. At the events, questions about the Desafía program will be answered and individual interviews will be offered to those companies that request it. Activity aimed at innovative Agrifoodtech companies , created in 2016 or later, that operate in the following sectors: Alternative proteins. New generation natural and healthy ingredients. Food preservation and food safety. REGISTRATION | AGENDA | ICEX Madrid - Santiago de Chile Hall - Paseo de la Castellana, 278, 28046 Madrid
Day poster

Networking to promote innovation in the Avila agri-food industry

The Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León ( ITACyL ) and the Agri-Food Industry Association of Ávila ( Avilagro ) have organized a networking day to promote innovation in the food industry in the province of Avila. The meeting that will take place next Wednesday, February 14 in Ávila will allow companies that wish to participate to bring R&D closer together, thanks to the support in services and R&D projects in the field of agri-food facilitated by ITACyL . REGISTRATION | PROGRAM | Tatiana Foundation. Calle Caballeros 17, Ávila
9th National Rural Development Forum

IX National Forum on Rural Development

In this IX edition, the proposed theme is: “ AKIS. Consulting, information systems, innovation and agri-food knowledge ”. This event will show how all the tools and agents of the agri-food system are incorporated and articulated, and will also serve to share knowledge and experiences on how to improve agri-food innovation systems, from the point of view of both public and private professional activity. The aim of this new forum is to analyse the role played by AKIS in the innovation of agri-food systems and their impact on the economic and social development of the sector, as well as the role of advice within the AKIS system. Innovation systems are crucial to increasing the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of agri-food and agri-industry. All activities carried out during the Forum can be followed IN PERSON by prior registration or by STREAMING on this same page. PROGRAM , here REGISTRATION AND CONTACT , here
FIMA poster

International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA)

FIMA Agrícola has established itself as one of the most important and internationally recognised events in the agricultural sector. The international focus of the Fair attracts exhibitors and visitors from all over the world, generating a diverse and dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas, business and collaborations. FIMA is also distinguished by its commitment to excellence and quality in the organisation of technical talks and parallel activities that complement the main exhibition. Its long history, experience and focus on technology and knowledge make it an essential space to discover the latest developments, establish business contacts and participate in the dialogue and advancement of the global agricultural industry. TECHNICAL SHEET , here ACCREDITATION , here CONTACT , here


Feria líder en el comercio mundial de frutas: logística, maquinaria, tecnología, "organic rute" Información detallada => Programa

GENERA. 27th International Energy and Environment Fair

GENERA, the largest commercial platform for this industry, with the support of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings, IDAE (Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge) as well as with the renewed support of the main agents of this important economic sector. To consult the program click here

Training of trainers 2024

Are you involved in an interactive, multi-stakeholder innovation process, networking and training of consultants in your country? Then i2connect's Train the Trainers training is for you!! In 2024, the i2connect team invites you to participate in a comprehensive training process to strengthen your training skills on interactive innovation and networking! To consult the program click here
The preparation of organic matter for use as fertilizer

The preparation of organic matter for use as fertilizer

The processes for preparing organic matter for use as fertilizer must allow for sustainable management of crop nutrition, increasing crop productivity . To achieve this, the goal is to maintain or increase organic matter levels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution by increasing carbon sink capacity, improving soil biodiversity by avoiding contamination by heavy metals and other pollutants, and promoting their management as "living soils." This event will showcase different technologies that allow reducing the environmental impact of preparing organic fertilizer products, with strategies that allow reducing nitrogen losses, such as slurry acidification, composting and biomethanization of waste.
book presentation

Presentation 'Irrigation and food security. The situation in Spain'

Presentation of a collective work coordinated by experts from the Polytechnic University of Madrid , which highlights the strategic importance of irrigation in technological development, the agri-food economy and environmental sustainability in Spain, highlighting its evolution and future projection. The Webinar is given by: Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain Eduardo Baamonde Noche, President of Cajamar Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, Professor of Agricultural Economics (coord.) Alberto Garrido Colmenero, Polytechnic University of Madrid (coord.)
agroexpo poster


AGROEXPO International Fair To consult the Fair program click here

Water and Food Day

Water and Food Conference. The urgency of strategies for adaptation to climate change A meeting point in search of technical and scientific solutions for water and food security in the new climate scenario. You can consult the Program by clicking here To follow the online session click here
Regenerative agriculture
Plataforma Tierra

Regenerative agriculture

In recent years, regenerative agriculture has been frequently discussed as a work strategy to improve soil health by recovering its organic matter content and biodiversity. It improves resilience to climate change, sequesters carbon in the soil and expands the ecosystem services associated with agriculture. This webinar will address the advantages of incorporating organic matter into soils , the principles of regenerative agriculture, as well as various examples of its application in our country. We will have the participation of experts who have worked in these areas and have developed specific projects. The webinar, which will introduce regenerative agriculture, is part of a series of sessions to be held in January and February 2024 focusing on soil management practices on farms.

HORIZON EUROPE: Infoday Valencia Cluster 6 "Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment"

Climate, food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment: funding opportunities for international R&D&I collaboration On December 20, REDIT is organizing an information day on Horizon Europe where the 2024 call for proposals of Cluster 6 "Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment" and the " Climate" area of Cluster 5 will be discussed. AGENDA here REGISTRATION HERE Contact : Elena Cortés (
Spri - Agencia vasca de desarrollo empresarial, Beaz bizkaia & Innobasque

HORIZON EUROPE: Infoday Basque Country Cluster 6 "Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment"

Climate, food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment: funding opportunities for international R&D&I collaboration On December 12, Innobasque in collaboration with the CDTI is organizing an information day on Horizon Europe where the 2024 call for proposals of Cluster 6 "Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment" and the " Climate" area of Cluster 5 will be discussed . AGENDA here REGISTRATION HERE Contact : Nora Ibáñez,
CeiA3 Operational Groups Conference – Olivar Sector

CeiA3 Operational Groups Conference – Olivar Sector

On July 11, 2023, the ceiA3 will hold an online conference where the progress of the Olive Sector Operational Groups in which it participates will be presented and whose target audience is ceiA3 researchers and agents in the olive sector. Among the strategic objectives of the ceiA3, the one that stands out is to promote synergies and collaborative actions between researchers from its member universities and institutions and their interconnection with the sector. Within the Andalusian agri-food sector, one of the strategic sectors is the olive grove and olive oil and the ceiA3 has been energizing innovation ecosystems together with the main representative agents of the sector. Within the framework of the revitalization of actions linked to the EIP-Agri, the ceiA3 consortium participates together with research groups from its universities in innovative projects executed by Operational Groups. Currently, the consortium participates directly together with researchers in 4 innovative projects within the 2020 Call for aid aimed at the operation of Operational Groups of the Junta de Andalucía. The ceiA3 Operational Groups Conference of the Olive Grove Sector aims to promote synergies and interaction between ceiA3 researchers, as well as transfer to the sector to share the progress to date. Organized and participated: CEiA3 organized and GO BIORUMIOLI, GO BIOSUERO, GO CoverOlive and GO TIC4BIO participated Modality: Online (through the ZOOM platform) Date and time: July 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Online registration for assistance: Free. ZOOM registration is required: Complete information and provisional program: See
PTI+ Horizonte Verde

PTI Horizonte Verde Water Challenge Workshop

Workshop “Solutions from young researchers to water scarcity in agriculture”: Objective : to encourage young CSIC pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to interact with other research groups and seek joint solutions to water scarcity in agriculture, forestry and gardening . The topics and results addressed in this session will serve as a precedent when addressing new initiatives or ideas for the adaptation and improvement of the Water Connection proposal.
I National Meeting of Advisors
Red ATRIA Comunitat Valenciana

I National Meeting of Advisors

The European demands in agricultural policy, which are included in the new CAP and in the strategies derived from the European Green Deal, such as the regulation of the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, give increasing prominence to the figure of the advisor in integrated pest management. To analyze the challenges they must take on and the tools they have to achieve them, the Feria Valencia Events Center hosts on November 15 and 16 the first edition of the National Meeting of Advisors , an ambitious initiative by the Phytoma publishing house, with which It culminates its 35th anniversary, to bring together for the first time in the same forum these essential professionals in the new agriculture. European agriculture is facing a paradigm shift, reflected in the imminent entry into force of the digital agricultural holding notebook, the obligations of the new Common Agricultural Policy and the guidelines emanating from the Green Deal and the 'From farm to farm' strategies. table' and Biodiversity 2030. In this scenario the advisors in integrated pest management will have greater powers and responsibilities; Furthermore, their support work in primary production will be more necessary, useful and decisive to ensure a healthier, more sustainable, intelligent and competitive agriculture. To achieve these achievements, the sector requires well-trained and highly updated advisors, with extensive skills that allow them to carry out their responsibilities in different spheres. The First National Meeting of Counselors , didactic and pedagogical, aims to be a space in which to debate and share experiences and knowledge, and value the work of counseling professionals. This first edition is titled Challenges and tools for an essential profession in the new agriculture . Contact: Telephone: 963826511 Location: Auditorium A3 of the Feria Valencia Events Center Program


AGRITECHNICA is the showcase for the global agricultural machinery industry and the forum for future crop production issues. Benefit from the know-how of international agricultural industry authorities and discuss current issues, trends and strategies with the experts from the DLG network. In the future, increasing productivity with less use and less intensity of farm inputs will be important, while protecting the environment and nature. That makes inspiration and solutions through technical and professional progress all the more important - AGRITECHNICA 2023 will showcase ideas that make GREEN PRODUCTIVITY a reality on farms. With the International Farmers Day, for the second time, AGRITECHNICA is creating a platform where farmers, companies and organizations from the world's agricultural regions can exchange technical information and network. At the world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery, the two agricultural nations of France and Poland will be the focus of this year's International Farmers Day. More information! Horizon 2020 project supported by the European Union This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 818182. Finalist for the .eu Web Awards SmartAgriHubs has been selected as a finalist for the 2022 edition of the .eu Web Awards . Follow Us © SmartAgriHubs. All rights reserved.
Save the date!: Organic Innovation Days 2022

Save the date!: Organic Innovation Days 2022

Save the date : The next edition of the Organic Innovation Days will take place together with the FoodSHIFT 2030 Final Conference. You can already mark the 25-26 October 2023 in your calendar! TP Organics is one of the 40 European Technology Platforms (ETP) officially recognised by the European Commission. As an ETP, we develop research & innovation agendas and roadmaps for research action at EU and national level. R&I is crucial for the development of the organic sector and the design of more sustainable food systems. That is why we advocate for more research funding benefiting organic and agroecological approaches. Furthermore, we promote research participation and knowledge exchange between the organic actors. Our mission is to strengthen research & innovation for organic and other agroecological approaches that contribute to sustainable food and farming systems. More Information! Horizon 2020 project supported by the European Union This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 818182. Finalist for the .eu Web Awards SmartAgriHubs has been selected as a finalist for the 2022 edition of the .eu Web Awards . Follow Us © SmartAgriHubs. All rights reserved.

BioCultura 2023 (Bilbao)

BioCultura, the largest fair for organic products and responsible consumption in the state, will be held at the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC). It will bring together more than 150 exhibitors dedicated to the sectors of organic food (with more than 12,000 references), organic cosmetics, sustainable fashion, healthy home, well-being, eco-lifestyle, responsible tourism, crafts and NGOs. In parallel with the exhibition, more than 150 activities will be held and more than 16,000 visitors are expected.