Presentation day for SOS-Suelo, GANARAM and Biodiversa projects Registration at : Program 9:15 RECEPTION OF ATTENDEES 9:30 PRESENTATION OF THE DAY Chema Paraled, Director of Dos Esferas Communication Rogelio Cuairán, General Manager of the Zaragoza Fair Miguel Gutierrez, Managing Director of CITA Aragon Angel Samper, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Government of Aragon 10:00 PRESENTATION OF THE AGROALNEXT PROGRAM Inés Echeverría, CNTA R&D&i Director 10:20 PRESENTATION OF SOS SUELO José Manuel Mirás, Coordinator of Sos Suelo. Researcher at CITA Aragón 10:30 ROUND TABLE “Soil health and conservation: difficulties, eco-regimes and success stories” Luis Miguel Arregui, Professor at the Public University of Navarra and farmer with experience in conservation tillage José María Salamero, Advisor at the General Directorate of Rural Development, Government of Aragon Carlos Duque, Technical Manager of Viticulture at Bodega SOMMOS Ramón Isla, Agricultural Engineer. Researcher at CITA Aragón 11:15 COFFEE BREAK 11:45 BIODIVERSA PRESENTATION Ana Garcés, Biodiversa project coordinator. Researcher at CITA Aragón 12:00 ROUND TABLE “Sustainability and resilience in different agro-scenarios: experiences, research and public policies” Javier Rodrigo, Agricultural Engineer. Researcher at CITA Aragón Carlos Calvo, Director General of Agricultural Production, Government of Aragon Felipe Gómez de Valenzuela, Farmer collaborating with Gallicum Cooperative Esther Ciria, Farmer and member of the Aragonese Committee for Organic Agriculture 12:45 GANARAM PRESENTATION Clara Mª Marín, GANARAM project coordinator. Researcher at CITA Aragón 13:00 ROUND TABLE “Analysis and progress in the use of antibiotics in animals. Regulations, criteria and protocol in livestock farms” Antonio González de Bulnes, Head of R&D+i at Jorge Group José María González Sainz, Advisor on sheep production and health at PRAM Aragón Rosa Bolea, Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Zaragoza. One Health Aragon Clara Mª Marín, GANARAM project coordinator. Researcher at CITA Aragón 13:45 CONCLUSIONS and approach of the AGROALNEXT Aragón project Pilar Errea, Research Director CITA Aragón 14:00 CLOSING OF THE DAY