Asesores de Aragón
The role of ground covers in woody crops
On the occasion of World Soil Day 2024: Take care of soils. Measure, monitor, manage. Speaker: Manuel López Vicente, Professor of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. EPS Huesca In-person for students requesting credit recognition/ Online. Register here Collaborators: Official College of Agricultural Engineers Aragon-Navarra-Basque Country and the Territorial Delegation of Aragon of the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS) PROGRAM 13:00h Presentation by Dr. María Videgain, member of the governing board of the College, professor and researcher at the EPS of Huesca, University of Zaragoza. 13:05h Presentation of the DMS by Dr. David Badía Villas, professor of the Area of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, at the EPS of Huesca, and President of the DT Aragón-SECS. 13:10h Talk by Dr. Manuel López Vicente, PPL at EPS Huesca entitled “Sustainable soil management in woody crops” . This talk presents the changes that living and inert covers generate in agricultural soils for permanent crops, such as olive groves and vineyards. Special emphasis is placed on the measurement and monitoring of the hydrological properties of the soil, complemented by aspects of soil fertility and biology; case results will be offered both for Aragon and other communities. With the data obtained, it is possible to achieve better agronomic management, which is essential for environmental sustainability, to optimize management, resources and to boost the profitability of farms. 14:00 h. Appetizer, courtesy of the Official College of Agricultural Engineers of Aragon, Navarre and the Basque Country.