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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Symposium on Food Contact Materials

Symposium on Food Contact Materials

From September 18 to 19, 2024 , the National Food Center, dependent on the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), will host a Symposium on Materials in Contact with Food at its headquarters in Majadahonda (Madrid). The event is organized by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM) , belonging to the Council of Europe and the AESAN , under the title “Recent developments in food contact materials and articles”. The event is intended for all professionals in the food contact materials industry , official control laboratories, European and national authorities, as well as national policy makers. Participation in person is free of charge (subject to registration and availability) for staff of the competent national authorities, European authorities and representatives of official control laboratories; while for in-person attendees from the private sector it will cost €400 per delegate. PROGRAM
Wheat production in the 21st century

Wheat production in the 21st century

Dolors Villegas Tor , a renowned CSIC researcher at the Aula Dei Experimental Station (EEAD-CSIC), will be in charge of giving the third lecture of the first cycle of CSIC lectures "What do we know about...?" in Jaca , Huesca. Villegas specializes in non-destructive selection methods in wheat, using advanced techniques such as remote sensing of temperature and spectral reflectance. These methods are essential to support genetic selection in wheat improvement programs. In addition, his research is complemented by the study of the natural variability of wheat rusts , particularly in relation to the endemic species present in Spain . The What do we know about...? lecture series allows scientists to share the latest developments in their research, explain their processes and discuss their impact on everyday life. Admission is free until capacity is reached.
Biological control of tomato plants

Biological control of Tuta absoluta and Aculops lycopersici in tomato plants

Workshop on tools to improve biological control of two very important pests in tomato crops, the moth Tuta absoluta and the scab mite Aculops lycopersici . During the workshop, data obtained from two projects in which the IRTA Sustainable Plant Protection Programme participates will be presented. On the one hand, the results of studies carried out within the framework of an Operational Group to promote the use of parasitoids in the management of lepidoptera will be shown. On the other hand, a visit will be made to an experimental greenhouse where, within the framework of the European ADOPT-IPM project , two biological control tools have been integrated to combat the two most important pests affecting tomato crops. PROGRAM
Improving fertilization in rice Rice FertiSAT Operational Group

Improving fertilization in rice Rice FertiSAT Operational Group

Knowledge transfer day on the Operational Group “Improving nitrogen fertilization in rice cultivation through the use of spectral images (Rice FertiSAT)” , created in 2021. During this event, the motivations and objectives of the project will be detailed and a technical visit will be made to the IRTA pilot test fields in Amposta and another to the commercial pilot test fields . Research for more efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers The objective of this pilot project is to treat the normalized differential vegetation index extracted from satellite image bands and relate it by spectrometry to the nitrogen needs of rice crops in search of a more efficient and rational use of nitrogen fertilizers while achieving optimal yields in rice production in Catalonia. With this relationship, it is intended to establish a suitable and simple methodology to improve fertilization plans, increasing the efficiency in the use of nitrogen fertilizers and reducing the possibility of nitrates being released into the environment outside the crop.
Horizon Europe Coordinators Workshop

Horizon Europe Coordinators Workshop

On Tuesday, July 9, CDTI is organizing a Q&A workshop, aimed at proposal coordinators for the 2024 calls for: Cluster 6 – Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. Calls 2024 – PHASE 2 Missions – Adaptation to climate change, oceans and waters and soils – Calls 2024 Circular Bio-Based Europe (CBE) Partnership – Call 2024 It will be a face-to-face event, in which, following the structure of the Horizon Europe evaluation criteria (excellence, impact and quality and efficiency of implementation) and the structure of the template, participants can ask the National Contact Points (NCPs) any questions they may have when preparing their proposals in each of these sections. Proposals until July 1st Participants must send a draft of their proposals to the email address with a deadline of Monday 1 July (at 12pm). Only those who have previously submitted their proposals will be admitted to the workshop. One participant will be admitted per coordinated proposal and the participation of a second participant will be considered, depending on the applications received. In the afternoon or after the workshop, the NCPs will arrange bilateral meetings with the participants to discuss their proposals and clarify any questions they may have. Program 9:30 – 9:40 Opening of the workshop. Objectives and operation. 9:40 – 10:20 1.-The evaluation process and the evaluator's vision. Ana Tardón (NCP Cluster 6 – CIEMAT) and evaluator (pending confirmation) Questions from participants. 10:20-10:40 2.- Part A of the proposal. Marta de Diego (NCP Cluster 6 and Spanish Representative in the JU Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE)- CDTI) Questions from participants. 10:40-11:05 3.- Excellence section. Lydia González (NCP of Cluster 6 and the Climate Change Adaptation Mission) Questions from participants. 11:05-11:35 COFFEE BREAK 11:35-12:00 4.- “Impact” section of the proposal. Juan Carlos García (Cluster 6 Delegate and NCP Mission for Oceans, Seas and Inland Waters - CDTI) Questions from participants 12:00-12:40 5.- Rules of participation. Legal and financial matters. Cascading financing. Gustavo García Turiño (NCP of legal and financial matters – FECYT) Questions from participants. 12:40-13:05 6.- Section on “Quality and efficiency in implementation” Marta Conde (NCP Cluster 6 and...
Conference on International Transfer Models: University and Business at the UPM Summer University

Conference "International Transfer Models: University and Business" at the UPM Summer University

On July 3, the conference "Models of international transfers: university and business" will take place, which is part of the EIV-UPM 2024 activities program at the Boadilla del Monte Campus. The transfer and collaboration between science and business is one of the main weaknesses of the Spanish STI system, but also one of the greatest opportunities for progress. The university must establish the basic foundations to promote transfer and collaboration in the Science and Innovation System. For this reason, the UPM is organizing this event, which will be completed with two round tables on the following topics: International Transfer Models. International Experiences University - Company FREE REGISTRATION
Public photo at a conference

4th World Conference on Agriculture

The 4th World Agriculture Conference will offer the opportunity to hear the latest in digital innovation, discover revolutionary deep tech solutions, network with key players from industry, research and academia, establish new business relationships and, ultimately, make your mark in the agricultural world. Ecosystem conservation, plant genomics, agricultural biodiversity, farm management, agricultural and environmental crises and artificial intelligence in agriculture are just some of the topics that will be addressed at the international conference on agriculture.
Workshop on high-impact financing for innovation

Workshop “Financing high-impact innovation”

InNormadrid and the Alcobendas Business Association (AICA) are organizing a financing workshop in which the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) will offer an update on the lines of aid and provide information on the EIC Accelerator program. Networking and CDTI financing for innovation projects The meeting will allow for interviews so that projects can receive advice on their ideas. REGISTRATION | MORE INFORMATION
Study The digital transformation of the agri-food sector in akisplataforma

Conference "The digital transformation of the agri-food sector as seen by its professionals" at La Vega Innova

On June 12, La Vega Innova opens its doors to offer a tour of its facilities and present the results of the study by the Observatory of digitalization of the agri-food sector “ The digital transformation of the agri-food sector seen by its professionals ”. This is a demographic study based on more than 3,500 responses to a survey on : The most relevant technologies for people in the agri-food sector Specific aspects of robotization Types of sensors Data transfer Opinions on traceability in the agri-food industry Characteristics of training for professionals in the sector in the field of digitalization Main channels used to consult innovations in the agri-food sector Participants include: Isabel Bombal Díaz , Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training; Begoña García Bernal , Secretary of State for Agriculture and Food; Eduardo Baamonde Noche , President of Cajamar Caja Rural; Maite Ambrós Mendioroz , Deputy Director of the General Subdirectorate of Innovation and Digitalisation; Manuel Lainez Andrés , Director of Innovation and Agri-Food Development and Director of the Cajamar Group Foundation; Jose Luis Molina , member of AMETIC Smart agro, CEO of Hispatec Agrointeligencia; Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva , Director of iHubs Fiware at Telefónica. Following the presentation and dialogue between the participants, there will be a visit to the iHub La Vega Innova and the exhibitions of the startups in its entrepreneurship program . *There will be a shuttle service from the Ministry's headquarters in Atocha for those who do not have their own vehicle (the bus will be located at the intersection of Cuesta de Moyano and Alfonso XII streets, and will leave at 09.10 a.m. that day; the return to Madrid from La VegaInnova will take place at the end of the day). Prior registration is essential . PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | CONTACT
GreenTech Amsterdam 2024

GreenTech Amsterdam 2024

From 11 to 12 and 13 June 2024, GreenTech Amsterdam will be held at the RAI Amsterdam. It is one of the leading horticultural technology platforms, where industry professionals from around the world come together to connect, network, share knowledge and do business. GreenTech Amsterdam offers visitors a comprehensive exhibition of products and services from the most innovative companies in the field of horticulture.
Guijuelo bean industry fair

Guijuelo meat industry fair

Meat Industry Fair where meat lovers, experts in the field and the latest trends in technology and products come together to offer you a unique experience of discovery and collaboration in the exciting world of the Meat Industry. To consult the program click here
organic food image

Organic Food Iberia

Professional fair with the latest trends in organic food and drinks (organic wine)
Image of the Abanca fair with a crowd walking around

Green Week of Galicia 2024

Abanca Fair Green Week of Galicia The entire value chain of the primary sector, from agriculture, machinery and livestock, to the final product or gastronomic tourism, will once again be the hallmark of the event. The venue is located in the town of Silleda and has magnificent infrastructures covering more than 400,000 m2 of surface area, of which 35,000 m2 are used for exhibitions (distributed in several pavilions) and 55,000 m2 outdoors, as well as 27,000 m2 of green areas. Its pavilions, its auditorium, its multiple rooms and its outdoor spaces give it great versatility. In addition, there are its large car parks, a green ring, an artificial lake and even a helipad, which allow it to adapt to all types of events and needs.
descriptive image of networking

M&A Next 2024

F&A Next is an event about thought leadership and connecting promising startups and scale-ups with dedicated Food & Agtech investors and leading corporations. Includes two days of networking, presentations and discussions on the dynamics of food and agriculture.
eatex new opportunities for the processed vegetable industry
EATEX Food Innovation Hub by CNTA

New opportunities for the vegetable processed industry

In-person activity of ideation, design and co-creation work between companies, R&D centers and potential consumers to identify opportunities to generate new products and propose technological solutions. PROGRAM | INSCRIPTION


Technical conference dedicated to the European viticultural and oenological sector. For 2 days you will be able to attend numerous presentations given by renowned researchers and technicians from around the world on the most current topics for the wine sector.
Image of a technician cleaning a sheet
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos y Graduados en Ingeniería Agrícola de Andalucía Occidental

17th Symposium on Plant Health

The 17th Symposium on Plant Health, in an edition where the role of artificial intelligence, current phytosanitary issues and key tools such as the Digital Farm Notebook where the role of the Advisor is fundamental will be discussed. Those interested in attending can reserve their place by filling out the form found at the following link: To consult the Symposium program click here
Earth Platform Logo
Plataforma Tierra

How new technologies impact food production

Meeting that explores new technologies in food production, highlighting collaboration between companies and technology centers to promote innovation and improve market competitiveness. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION
Stacked boxes displaying Hispack logos and slogans

Hispack 2024

Fair that brings together the best companies in the sector, both national and international, related to the life cycle of packaging and containers
Anggex Congress
Asociación Nacional de Ganaderos y Ganaderas en Extensivo

First National Congress of the Association of Extensive Livestock Farmers

On April 26 and 27, the National Association of Extensive Livestock Farmers ( ANGGEX ) is organizing its 1st National Congress , where experts, researchers and professionals from the extensive livestock sector will share their knowledge, experiences and advances in research. During the Congress , activities, workshops, conferences and round tables related to the CAP, extensive livestock farming, native breeds, nutritional aspects and future prospects for the sector will be held. REGISTRATION | PROGRAM