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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...

SIVAL: International fair of plant production techniques

This forum is an event that brings together experts in agricultural innovation to discuss new technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and advances in the field of biotechnology applied to agriculture.
agricultural robot

The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture

Online seminar organized by Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno, researchers at the CAR CSIC-UPM, and Constantino Valero, professor at the ETSIAAB, The online seminar ' The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture' will feature international speakers who will present work and applications of modeling using artificial intelligence, sensors and robotics in agriculture. The seminar is organized by Constantino Valero , professor of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB), in collaboration with Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno , researchers at the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR CSIC-UPM) . It is aimed at the entire university community, and in particular, at students of the Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Master's Degree in Precision Agriculture and Double Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Precision Agriculture. This is a free online seminar that can be followed via this link (Meeting ID: 867 8969 6088). PROGRAM 16:30 - 16:45: Hugo Moreno, PhD and Dionisio Andujar, PhD, CAR CSIC-UPM. (Spain). 'Introduction to AI and Robotics in PA' 16:45 - 17:15 : Gerassimos Peteinatos, PhD, ELGO DIIMITRA (Greece). ' New trends in arable crops' 17:15 - 17:45 : Nikolaos Katsenios, Agricultural University of Athens, (Greece). 'The importance of PA in arable crops' 17:45 - 18:15: Manuel Vázquez-Arellano PhD, Gent University, (Belgium). 'Crops Robotics: from PhD to entrepreneurship. A case of spin-off' 18:15 - 18:45 : Christian Rueda-Ayala, MsC, INIA, (Spain). 'AI Agril: Rapid development of solutions for Precision Agriculture' 18:45 - 19:15 : Open debate.
poster of the day
Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural

DEMOFARM Technical Conference “Demonstration and dissemination of tools for digital transformation in sheep”

Conference organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, in collaboration with Corsevilla. The aim was to show examples of digitalisation in the field to encourage the expansion of innovation and technical development in the sheep sector in Andalusia. REGISTRATION until December 9th
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco

Third meeting of the AKIS Forum for knowledge transfer

In order to continue the work of the AKIS Forum, the Department of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government has convened the third “AKIS Forum for the transfer of knowledge in the Basque Country” for 11 December . As with the two previous forums, this event will take place at Caballerizas (Arkaute Model Farm) and on this occasion, the latest developments and advances in the Basque Country's agritech strategy, led by NEIKER, will be presented to stakeholders in the Basque agri-food sector. In the Basque Country, AKIS has its own objectives linked to our reality. Among them, to professionalize people as advisors, so that they can promote the modernization of the agri-food sector and rural areas and contribute to achieving the Basque Challenges. It also seeks to professionalise people in the agri-food sector to promote the modernisation of the sector and rural areas and contribute to the Euskadi Challenges. Finally, the AKIS of Euskadi promotes innovation in cooperation through the creation of Operative Groups-EIP Agri.
EU Agrifood Days

The second edition of the EU Agri-Food Days is coming in December 2024!

From 10 to 12 December 2024 , Brussels will host the second edition of the EU Agri-Food Days . This annual event brings together key players in the agri-food sector from across the European Union to discuss the latest trends in agriculture, policy options and market developments, as well as the impact of research, innovation and digital technologies on the future of European agriculture. Over three days, the event will provide a unique platform for dialogue between stakeholders in the agri-food system, civil society, academia and policy makers. EU Agri-Food Days Programme The future of agriculture and food in the EU. Farmers' perspectives on modern agriculture. Position of farmers in the food value chain. Agricultural market outlook in the EU. Sustainable competitiveness and trade policies for food sovereignty. Research, innovation and digitalisation in the agri-food sector. Challenges and opportunities for young farmers. Practical information: Dates: December 10 - 12, 2024. Location: Brussels, Belgium. Live streaming: available without prior registration. Organizer: EU Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development. Social media: Follow the event with the hashtag #EUAgriFoodDays . This event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the current and future challenges of the European agri-food sector, and how policies such as the CAP and the European Green Deal can help build a greener, fairer and more competitive agriculture.
Junta de Andalucia

Workshop on innovation in horticulture: management and transfer of new solutions for horticultural and cut flower crops

Contents Project TRA2023.012 Management of New Solutions and Transfer of Knowledge for Soil Disinfestation in Outdoor Vegetables and Cut Flowers. Study on the estimation of thrips damage in the cut flower sector. Evaluate the Effectiveness of Chemical and Non-Chemical Pesticides for the Control of Meloidogyne spp. in Vegetables and Cut Flowers. Visit to Trials. Validate and Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Chemical and Non-Chemical Pesticides for the Control of Wireworms in Outdoor Vegetables. Innovation in Horticulture on the Northwest Coast of Cadiz: Characterization of by-products generated in nearby activities, horticulture and cut flowers. Creation of an Operational Group.

Incentive programs for industrial development and business R&D&I projects in Andalusia TRADE

The Andalusian Government, through the Business Agency for Economic Transformation and Development, Andalucía TRADE , has launched a new incentive programme aimed at boosting economic activity in the autonomous community by encouraging industrial research and experimental development projects, investment projects for the growth and improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs and small business start-up projects. The aim of this event is to inform Andalusian companies about the content of the different lines of action contemplated by this business incentive programme, as well as to help SMEs prepare their projects in order to facilitate access to these incentives, based on experience on issues specific to calls for aid and through advice and practical aspects to take into account in the processing.
Digital Transformation
Oficina Acelera pyme Diputación de Burgos

Digital transformation in the agri-food sector

The agriculture of the future is here! Join our digitalisation workshop in the agri-food sector and discover how to implement technological tools that will transform every stage of your production. What will you learn? Guidance systems : efficiency and precision in the field. Connectivity : manage your farm from anywhere. Documentation : control and improve the traceability of your tasks. Automation : save time and effort. Isobus system : connect your equipment, regardless of the brand. Data-driven decision making – Create prescription maps to maximize performance. If you are part of the agri-food sector, this is your opportunity to modernize your processes and move towards more efficient and sustainable agriculture.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

The path to digitalisation within the CAP-27 framework

Digitalisation in the agricultural sector is a crucial challenge, especially for a wide range of small and micro-sized agricultural companies (SMEs), as well as for the state administration, which must coordinate with the Autonomous Communities and the European Union. In this context, the event will analyse the challenges and opportunities posed by digitalisation within the legislative framework of the CAP-27 and the Nature Restoration Law , including aspects such as the Digital Exploitation Notebook (CUE) and its integration with the databases managed by FEGA in Spain. The event will bring together experts from the administration and private companies who will share their experiences in the development of technological solutions for connectivity and data management. After the presentations, there will be a round table where attendees will be able to interact directly with the professionals.

European partnerships: an opportunity for the agri-food sector

The co-funded European Partnerships are associations of national and regional R&D funders, research organisations and the European Commission. Their mission is to promote the advancement of science in specific sectors. Several partnerships have been launched in the field of agri-food, including FutureFoodS and Agroecology . One of its activities is to launch calls for funding for R&D&I projects in the agri-food sector through which both public and private institutions can obtain funding to participate in international R&D&I projects . Join us on Friday, November 29, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. , for an online event where the latest developments in these partnerships will be explained, as well as the conditions and requirements for Spanish institutions to participate in the first call for FutureFoodS and benefit from its financing grants. Join us via Teams:
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón

Agriculture of the future: Robotics and new solutions for the agri-food sector

The Aragonese Cluster of Agricultural and Livestock Production Means (CAMPAG) and the Technological Institute of Aragon ITA, are pleased to invite you to the Dialogue on “Agriculture of the future: Robotics and new solutions for the agri-food sector ”. We will explore future technologies and solutions for the agri-food sector, with a focus on robotics and automation. We will discuss trends, current business needs and market expectations.
expo agritech congress poster

Consulting for the digitalization of the agri-food sector, at Expo AGRITECH 2024

As part of the celebration of Expo Agritech 2024 in Malaga, on the 27th at 1:15 p.m. the round table "Advice for the digitalization of the agri-food sector" will take place in the central auditorium. The aim is to present the various advisory tools for the digitalisation of the agri-food sector. This round table will assess their status and share outstanding experiences in digitalisation advice. Maite Ambrós Mendioroz , Deputy Director General of Innovation and Digitalisation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, will moderate this session in which the following will also participate: Zheni Valerieva Zhivkova Todorova. Smart Agro - Hyperplan. Ametic Victoria Eugenia Sanchez Fuentes. Director of the Digital Innovation Hubs Support Program. EOI Ricardo Alarcón Roldan. Programme and Reports Advisor at the General Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Food. Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development. Regional Government of Andalusia. Manuel Laínez Andrés. Director of the Cajamar Foundation. Alberto García Carmona. Head of Taxation and Digitalisation. Spanish Wine Federation.
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias

VIII SIGCEX Conference: Field notebook and digital solutions to climate change

On Tuesday, November 26, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España is organizing the eighth SIGCEX Conference, entitled 'Field notebook and digital solutions to climate change'. This session is aimed at the technical services of cooperatives that have already completed training in SIGCEX (Cooperative Geographic Information System for Farms), the staff of federations, as well as any other federated cooperative interested in participating in the C3-SIGCEX system that has not had the opportunity to complete the training until now. During the event, which will be held online, representatives of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) will explain the regulatory situation and clarify doubts about the incentives for the voluntary use of the digital notebook. Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España will explain the implementation of the C3-SIGCEX cooperative field notebook, the progress and the current status of the project. PROGRAM: 10:00 a.m. Regulatory situation and incentives for the voluntary use of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) digital notebook. 10:30 a.m. Implementation of C3-SIGCEX, progress and status of the Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain project. 11:00 a.m. News from the Hispatec Cooperative Field Notebook. 11:30 a.m. SIGCEX and Climate Change ESR.
Country Fair 4.0
Expo Agritech

Expo Agritech: the 4.0 Countryside Fair, in Malaga next November

From November 26 to 28, 2024 , the first edition of Expo Agritech will take place in Malaga, which is presented as the first 4.0 Field Fair due to its specific focus on the implementation of new technologies in agriculture . Expo Agritech 24 will feature a mixed format that includes an exhibition area, various congresses and technical conferences, and other networking and awards events. As regards the exhibition part, it will showcase the technologies that are already transforming new generation farms. And in the congress area , the following are already planned: 5 vertical forums. Olive growing, Wine and vine, Horticulture, Fruit trees and extensive crops. 4 professional summits. Farm owners, agricultural engineers, cooperatives, designations of origin. 2 Professional workshops. CAP management, sustainability and soil regeneration. Competition for entrepreneurs in the agricultural and agri-food sectors The meeting in Malaga will also host the AgriTech Startup Forum entrepreneurship competition , with the aim of being the national showcase for emerging companies that are revolutionising processes, models and techniques in the agri-food industry through innovation. To this end, AgriTech Startup Forum has opened its call for applications to receive technological proposals from emerging talent that have managed to transform the agricultural sector. Startups can participate by presenting their cutting-edge solutions based on: Sensorization IoT Remote sensing Biofertilizers Biosecurity Crop mapping Automation Connectivity AI & Data Drones Smart irrigation Biotechnology Supply chain Weather monitoring Detection of diseases, among others. The organization plans to bring together more than 8,000 professionals from the agricultural sector in search of the latest innovations in management systems, machinery, equipment, post-harvest, greenhouses, energy, food safety, technology centers, biotechnology, and especially the latest technology for quality, sustainability and productivity. CONGRESS AGENDA 4.0 | INNOVATION AWARDS | START UP FORUM

Vinitech-Sifel 2024

sowing innovation

Expo Agrotech. The 4.0 agricultural fair

Expo AgriTech is the technological, industrial and innovation event for the agricultural sector that brings together industry leaders with the aim of helping farms improve their competitiveness and productivity. Expo AgriTech is a unique space for innovation and agri-food technology for Spanish SMEs in the sector, where they can acquire the knowledge and solutions through which food technology is driving economic growth and competitiveness. Web: Email: Source:
Digitalization Observatory

Webinar - Robotization in outdoor agriculture

From the Observatory of Digitalization of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector , you are invited to the first session of a series of webinars on the State of Robotization in the Agri-Food Sector. The Observatory of the Digitalisation of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector is a project promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) in collaboration with Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, developed so far with EU Next Generation funds. The title of the webinar for this first session is Robotization in outdoor agriculture and it will be held virtually on November 25 from 12:00 to 13:30 . The objective of this webinar is to learn about the state of robotization in outdoor agriculture, as well as to discuss the current reality of this issue, its benefits and challenges, and future prospects for its mass adoption. In addition, success stories and the most recent technological advances that are driving this transformation in the agricultural sector will be analyzed. We encourage you to follow the webinar and give it as much publicity as possible. The following link contains the program and access to registration: Observatory Events ( Event program:
Photograph of previous bioculture event

BioCultura 2024 Madrid

On the verge of its 40th edition, BioCultura Madrid will once again show that “bio” is not/was not a fad and that it is here to stay. The fair will be held in November at the Feria de Madrid-Ifema venue. The sectors will be: Organic food; Certified eco-natural cosmetics and hygiene; Healthy home; Sustainable fashion; Eco Lifestyle; Health and Wellbeing, NGOs… It is expected that 400 exhibitors will participate and that more than 50,000 visitors will once again be expected. More than 300 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition. Ángeles Parra, director of the fair, commented that “it would be very difficult to summarise these almost 40 years of fairs, activism, rebellion and social awareness. We have never been a fad. Time has proved us right. The future will be ecological or it will not be.”
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas de España (CGCOITAE)

II Congress of Agricultural Engineering

The 2nd Congress of Agricultural Engineering, organised by the Council of Official Colleges of Technical Agricultural Engineers of Spain and the Official College of Technical Agricultural and Forestry Engineers of Catalonia, will take place on 13 and 14 November at the Higher Technical School of Agri-Food and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lleida. The central themes of its seven sessions include water management, the food chain, agrivoltaics, green spaces and urban trees, hydrological forest management and plant health. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
DatAgri 2024 from November 13 to 14 at La Vega Innova
Plataforma Tierra

La Vega Innova will host the DATAGRI 2024 forum from November 13 to 14

From November 13 to 14 , the VII Agri-Food Digital Transformation Forum DATAGRI 2024 will take place at the iHub La Vega Innova , an event that has become the reference in southern Europe and Latin America in terms of digital transformation and innovation in the agricultural and agri-food sectors. Innovation and agri-food knowledge at the DATAGRI 2024 Forum La Vega Innova, the Digital Innovation Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, will host the different activities of DATAGRI 2024, which for this year presents a new format that will facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge among the more than 800 professional attendees expected. For two days, the event will combine presentations and workshops with practical demonstrations within the Forum Day , to hear about the projects that research centres, universities and technology companies are involved in; and the Demo Day that will allow participants to experience and connect directly with current innovation in the AgriFoodTech sector, visiting the test fields surrounding La Vega Innova. Generative artificial intelligence in the agricultural sector One of the central themes of this edition will be the role of generative artificial intelligence in the agricultural sector. This technology is transforming the management of agricultural production, from yield prediction and crop monitoring to supply chain optimization . José Luis Miguel, President of the DATAGRI Association, highlights that " generative artificial intelligence allows for the creation of more precise predictive models, facilitating informed decision-making and improving operational efficiency and sustainability." Institutional support for agri-food innovation Isabel Bombal, Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training at MAPA, underlines the Ministry's constant support for the DATAGRI Forum since its first edition. She also highlights the importance of including young people, women and startups in the agenda, as well as promoting sustainable irrigation and digitalisation with a comprehensive vision of the agri-food chain. Participation and survey The event organisers would like to hear the opinions of attendees from previous editions and those potentially interested in the 2024 edition. To do so, they have set up a survey where professionals in the agricultural sector can...