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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Poster announcing the FIMA 2026 fair
FIMA International Fair of Agricultural Machinery
FIMA will once again be the largest event in the agricultural world in Southern Europe. Mechanisation and technological innovations will show professionals the best way to make their farms more...
event poster

Valorising plant waste from agricultural farms. CompostAnd and Gasolive projects.

Conference aimed at knowledge transfer and dissemination of the Compostand projects (Experimentation and Transfer on the Reuse and Composting of Organic Waste from the Most Representative Extensive and Fruit Crops in Western Andalusia) and Gasolive (Demonstration of a gasification system for olive grove by-products and olive oil extraction to obtain energy and organic fertilizers); which aim to promote the sustainable management of plant waste in the agricultural sector. Registration by sending a form through the IFAPA website or by email to Contents Presentation of the day. Presentation of the "CompostAnd" Project. Properties of compost made exclusively from plant remains. "Gasolive" project, obtaining energy from olive grove remains. Use of biochar and its main benefits for the soil. Biogas, generating fuel from plant remains. Co-digestion and circular economy: oranges, biogas and composting. Visit to composting plant. REGISTRATION | APPLICATION FORM
event poster

Closing event of the Rebo2Vino Supra-autonomous Operational Group

The closing event of the Supra-autonomous Operative Group Rebo2Vino “Circular economy for the reuse of glass bottles in the wine sector: Analysis of impacts and feasibility, and design of digital tools” will take place on February 26 in Madrid, where the main results and conclusions drawn will be reviewed. The project ends in March 2025 and has lasted almost 29 months of execution, during which two pilot tests have been developed (in Catalonia and Jerez) and all the impact categories of the Life Cycle Analysis have been analysed to determine the environmental and economic viability of implementing a potential reuse model in the wine sector. In addition, the main barriers and critical points have been identified, and a series of tools have been developed that will be helpful for future implementation at a national level. The Spanish Wine Federation (FEV) has made a very positive assessment of this project, considered strategic for the sector at a national level, and which lays the foundations for continuing to advance and scale up the results at a European level. We would like to thank the General Directorate of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training for supporting this Operational Group, whose financing through the EU Next Generation Funds has been key to the development of the project and achieving the expected results. The closing ceremony is scheduled for 1:00 p.m., followed by an aperitif during which the pilot wines will be displayed with the reusable bottle designed in the project.

Dissemination of results of the PDApp Operational Group, against waste in the agri-food sector, in Barcelona

Third of three days of dissemination of the results of the project “ Moving towards a digital model for zero waste in the agri-food sector ” developed by the PDApp Operational Group . The conferences are aimed primarily at representatives of entities throughout the value chain, but also at other interested parties such as innovation and research centres, public administrations and the specialised press. Details will be provided on the support service that the GO PDApp has developed to digitize Loss and Waste Prevention Plans , with testimonials from companies that already work with the digital platform. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION

Dissemination of results of the PDApp Operational Group, against waste in the agri-food sector, in Vigo

First of three days of dissemination of the results of the project “ Moving towards a digital model for zero waste in the agri-food sector ” developed by the PDApp Operational Group . The conferences are aimed primarily at representatives of entities throughout the value chain, but also at other interested parties such as innovation and research centres, public administrations and the specialised press. Details will be provided on the support service that the GO PDApp has developed to digitize Loss and Waste Prevention Plans , with testimonials from companies that already work with the digital platform. The next dissemination days are scheduled for February 5 in Torre Pacheco (Murcia) and February 12 in Palafolls (Barcelona) . PROGRAM | REGISTRATION

SIVAL: International fair of plant production techniques

This forum is an event that brings together experts in agricultural innovation to discuss new technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and advances in the field of biotechnology applied to agriculture.
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco

Trufforum Teruel 2024

Trufforum is an international cooperation initiative, conceived and promoted by the European Mycological Institute ( EMI ), which was created with the aim of promoting the responsible use of the European truffle in domestic and professional kitchens. Having become an international reference meeting in the truffle sector, Trufforum is held annually with the aim of giving maximum diffusion to the values and culture of the truffle. Whether you are passionate about truffles or have never had contact with them, you are in the best place to learn everything you need and enjoy one of the most iconic products of world gastronomy. Don't miss the opportunity to dive with us into the depths of the earth to discover everything about truffles. Welcome to Trufforum!
Agri-food sustainability
Portal TecnoAgricola

Renowagro 2024

The objective of the RENOWAGRO meetings is to present, on behalf of all the agents involved in the agri-food sector, the challenges and opportunities that this sector faces in the era of sustainability , and how the vision of the circular bioeconomy in the management of organic resources can allow for greater economic, environmental and social profitability for the sector and the economy in general. The event has become a benchmark space where best practices and the latest innovations that impact the sustainability of the sector are shared, not only from an environmental perspective, but also from an economic and social one.
Carina National Panel
Cooperativas agro-alimentarias España

Transfer Day. National Panel of the CARINA Project

CARINA is a four-year transnational Innovation Action (until October 2026), supported by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme. The project focuses on new sustainable and diversified agricultural systems, including two new oilseed crops, carinata and camelina, capable of providing multiple low-iLUC feedstocks for the bio-based economy.
Photograph of previous bioculture event

BioCultura 2024 Madrid

On the verge of its 40th edition, BioCultura Madrid will once again show that “bio” is not/was not a fad and that it is here to stay. The fair will be held in November at the Feria de Madrid-Ifema venue. The sectors will be: Organic food; Certified eco-natural cosmetics and hygiene; Healthy home; Sustainable fashion; Eco Lifestyle; Health and Wellbeing, NGOs… It is expected that 400 exhibitors will participate and that more than 50,000 visitors will once again be expected. More than 300 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition. Ángeles Parra, director of the fair, commented that “it would be very difficult to summarise these almost 40 years of fairs, activism, rebellion and social awareness. We have never been a fad. Time has proved us right. The future will be ecological or it will not be.”
III Catalonia Biogas Forum
Clúster Bioenergía de Cataluña

III Biogas Forum of Catalonia

The 3rd Catalonia Biogas Forum will take place on 24 October, as part of the European Biogas Week. Organised by the Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia, it will address various aspects of the production and use of this energy source, showcasing various success stories and offering a space to discuss its future and build relationships between the various actors in the sector who will participate in the meeting. REGISTRATION
Image of fruits and vegetables coming out of a window

Fruit Attraction

Fruit Attraction is the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals. Fruit Attraction has become the reference commercial tool for the WORLDWIDE marketing of fruit and vegetables . Its capacity to promote global exports in the sector makes it the commercial connection point for all the professionals that make up the entire value chain, in addition to having consolidated itself as a framework for innovation in the fruit and vegetable market.
poster 8th day of the Spanish composting network
Red Española de Compostaje

Conference of the Spanish Composting Network. "Zero waste: the future horizon"

Meeting point between researchers and professionals related to organic waste management to analyze and debate the situation of its treatment from a technical and social point of view, highlighting the transfer of knowledge to the industrial sector . The Conference has the collaboration of the Spanish Composting Network and is organized by the RNM271 group of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Córdoba. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | HEADQUARTERS | Information and contact: 957485848 / 667833701 email:
A set of roses


Iberflora is the great professional gardening event . The largest commercial and educational offer within the business of plants, flowers, landscaping, gardening, technology and DIY gardening in the professional calendar of the sector. To consult the event program click here
ifapa conference Promoting Innovation, Sustainability and Added Value in the Agri-Food Sector

Second open day “Promoting Innovation, Sustainability and Added Value in the Agri-Food Sector”

On September 27 , at the IFAPA Rancho de la Merced facilities in Jerez de la Frontera, the second open day of the seminar will be held. This session, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. , will feature a series of technical presentations focused on innovation and sustainability in Andalusian horticulture. Highlights include: BIHOX® oxygenation technology and its impact on zucchini and watermelon crops. The biomass potential of Andalusian horticulture and the challenges for the circular bioeconomy. New advances in biotechnology and the development of virus-resistant rootstocks. Safety in the use of phytosanitary products and the safest and most sustainable technologies in horticulture. After a break, the day will continue with the presentation of the seminar's new website and a session on collaboration between institutions. The event will conclude with the official closing ceremony by the president of IFAPA, Marta Bosquet Aznar, followed by a closing drink at 12:30 p.m. Attendance is free , upon registration. For more information, please contact us by email at:; or by phone at 956.03.46.00. Registration | Program
XXVII PRONATURA International Rural Women's Fair

XXVII PRONATURA International Rural Women's Fair

From September 6 to 8, 2024, the XXVII PRONATURA International Rural Women's Fair will take place in Segovia , organized by FEMUR, the Spanish Federation of Rural Women. The event will feature around fifty exhibitors who, in addition to Spain, will come from countries such as Chile, the Philippines, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay and, for the first time, Cuba. They will exhibit more than 3,000 products in Segovia. Pronatura PRONATURA is a determined commitment to activate the economy and employment of rural women and thus achieve their full empowerment. The fair thus becomes, at the same time, a space for networking that allows national and international artisans who participate to strengthen ties and share experiences that improve and enrich their work. REGISTRATION is open via email at , where you can also find out more about the fair. FEMUR continues to work on programming parallel activities to the event, which will include conferences and cultural activities.
Horizon Europe Coordinators Workshop

Horizon Europe Coordinators Workshop

On Tuesday, July 9, CDTI is organizing a Q&A workshop, aimed at proposal coordinators for the 2024 calls for: Cluster 6 – Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. Calls 2024 – PHASE 2 Missions – Adaptation to climate change, oceans and waters and soils – Calls 2024 Circular Bio-Based Europe (CBE) Partnership – Call 2024 It will be a face-to-face event, in which, following the structure of the Horizon Europe evaluation criteria (excellence, impact and quality and efficiency of implementation) and the structure of the template, participants can ask the National Contact Points (NCPs) any questions they may have when preparing their proposals in each of these sections. Proposals until July 1st Participants must send a draft of their proposals to the email address with a deadline of Monday 1 July (at 12pm). Only those who have previously submitted their proposals will be admitted to the workshop. One participant will be admitted per coordinated proposal and the participation of a second participant will be considered, depending on the applications received. In the afternoon or after the workshop, the NCPs will arrange bilateral meetings with the participants to discuss their proposals and clarify any questions they may have. Program 9:30 – 9:40 Opening of the workshop. Objectives and operation. 9:40 – 10:20 1.-The evaluation process and the evaluator's vision. Ana Tardón (NCP Cluster 6 – CIEMAT) and evaluator (pending confirmation) Questions from participants. 10:20-10:40 2.- Part A of the proposal. Marta de Diego (NCP Cluster 6 and Spanish Representative in the JU Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE)- CDTI) Questions from participants. 10:40-11:05 3.- Excellence section. Lydia González (NCP of Cluster 6 and the Climate Change Adaptation Mission) Questions from participants. 11:05-11:35 COFFEE BREAK 11:35-12:00 4.- “Impact” section of the proposal. Juan Carlos García (Cluster 6 Delegate and NCP Mission for Oceans, Seas and Inland Waters - CDTI) Questions from participants 12:00-12:40 5.- Rules of participation. Legal and financial matters. Cascading financing. Gustavo García Turiño (NCP of legal and financial matters – FECYT) Questions from participants. 12:40-13:05 6.- Section on “Quality and efficiency in implementation” Marta Conde (NCP Cluster 6 and...
Image of the StartBEC Program
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación/AINIA

Demoday StartBec

Startbec is the MAPA and AINIA programme for the design and implementation of measures to encourage the development of technology-based startups in the field of bioeconomy. The aim is to promote innovative value chains linked to the agri-food sector, support entrepreneurship, and invest in talent. During the StartBEC DemoDay, experts in the field will discuss the many opportunities offered by the bioeconomy, and the protagonists of the program will be introduced: companies, experts, researchers and students who are part of this first edition of StartBEC. INFORMATION DOSSIER | REGISTRATION | Contact,
Public photo at a conference

4th World Conference on Agriculture

The 4th World Agriculture Conference will offer the opportunity to hear the latest in digital innovation, discover revolutionary deep tech solutions, network with key players from industry, research and academia, establish new business relationships and, ultimately, make your mark in the agricultural world. Ecosystem conservation, plant genomics, agricultural biodiversity, farm management, agricultural and environmental crises and artificial intelligence in agriculture are just some of the topics that will be addressed at the international conference on agriculture.
Image from a previous Food Sure event

Food Sure Summit 2024

Conference with food experts to learn about and discuss the latest developments in the industry, share case studies and valuable experience on food safety, quality and manufacturing practices. To consult the Summit program click here
GreenTech Amsterdam 2024

GreenTech Amsterdam 2024

From 11 to 12 and 13 June 2024, GreenTech Amsterdam will be held at the RAI Amsterdam. It is one of the leading horticultural technology platforms, where industry professionals from around the world come together to connect, network, share knowledge and do business. GreenTech Amsterdam offers visitors a comprehensive exhibition of products and services from the most innovative companies in the field of horticulture.