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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...

Dissemination of results of the PDApp Operational Group, against waste in the agri-food sector, in Torre Pacheco

Second of three days of dissemination of the results of the project “ Moving towards a digital model for zero waste in the agri-food sector ” developed by the PDApp Operational Group . The conferences are aimed primarily at representatives of entities throughout the value chain, but also at other interested parties such as innovation and research centres, public administrations and the specialised press. Details will be provided on the support service that the GO PDApp has developed to digitize Loss and Waste Prevention Plans , with testimonials from companies that already work with the digital platform. The next dissemination day is scheduled for February 12 in Palafolls (Barcelona) . PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias

Sustainability and precision agriculture, Villamalea

GENERAL OBJECTIVES We live in times where the sustainability of our farms and their resilience to climate change and other external factors is key to ensuring that, tomorrow, we continue to have profitable crops. The application of the 2030 Agenda and the principles of sustainable development are key, not only in our farms, but also to access the markets in which we operate today. More and more customers are demanding strategies in this regard in order to be able to buy our products. People who are dedicated to producing food and their cooperatives, through marketing, have been working for years to safeguard and protect natural spaces, create employment, guarantee quality products, improve energy efficiency, in short, guaranteeing that agriculture and livestock continue to be sustainable sectors and therefore comply with the 2030 Agenda, but often, little is communicated about everything that is done. In addition, precision agriculture is of the utmost importance, since with the arrival of new technologies (sensors, satellites, drones, GPS, etc.), the field and our crops are constantly changing, and it is necessary to analyze and understand all the variations and particularities of the environment in order to be able to provide the exact inputs for the optimization of the harvests. The application of technology in agriculture allows us to obtain the information necessary to understand variations in soil and crops , and this, together with the principles outlined in terms of sustainability, can become a competitive advantage, much needed in these times.
Institución Ferial de Extremadura

AGROEXPO International Fair

Agroexpo is one of the main agricultural fairs in the Extremadura region, where innovations in machinery, agricultural technology and services for the agricultural sector are presented. It is an opportunity to learn about the latest trends and advances in precision and sustainable agriculture. DESCRIPTION 20,000 m² of exhibition space. 4 large covered pavilions. Innovative facilities. The meeting with professionals, manufacturers and distributors. Conferences, Presentations and Lectures

SIVAL: International fair of plant production techniques

This forum is an event that brings together experts in agricultural innovation to discuss new technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and advances in the field of biotechnology applied to agriculture.
world soil day
Asesores de Aragón

The role of ground covers in woody crops

On the occasion of World Soil Day 2024: Take care of soils. Measure, monitor, manage. Speaker: Manuel López Vicente, Professor of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. EPS Huesca In-person for students requesting credit recognition/ Online. Register here Collaborators: Official College of Agricultural Engineers Aragon-Navarra-Basque Country and the Territorial Delegation of Aragon of the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS) PROGRAM 13:00h Presentation by Dr. María Videgain, member of the governing board of the College, professor and researcher at the EPS of Huesca, University of Zaragoza. 13:05h Presentation of the DMS by Dr. David Badía Villas, professor of the Area of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, at the EPS of Huesca, and President of the DT Aragón-SECS. 13:10h Talk by Dr. Manuel López Vicente, PPL at EPS Huesca entitled “Sustainable soil management in woody crops” . This talk presents the changes that living and inert covers generate in agricultural soils for permanent crops, such as olive groves and vineyards. Special emphasis is placed on the measurement and monitoring of the hydrological properties of the soil, complemented by aspects of soil fertility and biology; case results will be offered both for Aragon and other communities. With the data obtained, it is possible to achieve better agronomic management, which is essential for environmental sustainability, to optimize management, resources and to boost the profitability of farms. 14:00 h. Appetizer, courtesy of the Official College of Agricultural Engineers of Aragon, Navarre and the Basque Country.
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco

Trufforum Teruel 2024

Trufforum is an international cooperation initiative, conceived and promoted by the European Mycological Institute ( EMI ), which was created with the aim of promoting the responsible use of the European truffle in domestic and professional kitchens. Having become an international reference meeting in the truffle sector, Trufforum is held annually with the aim of giving maximum diffusion to the values and culture of the truffle. Whether you are passionate about truffles or have never had contact with them, you are in the best place to learn everything you need and enjoy one of the most iconic products of world gastronomy. Don't miss the opportunity to dive with us into the depths of the earth to discover everything about truffles. Welcome to Trufforum!

Vinitech-Sifel 2024

Photograph of previous bioculture event

BioCultura 2024 Madrid

On the verge of its 40th edition, BioCultura Madrid will once again show that “bio” is not/was not a fad and that it is here to stay. The fair will be held in November at the Feria de Madrid-Ifema venue. The sectors will be: Organic food; Certified eco-natural cosmetics and hygiene; Healthy home; Sustainable fashion; Eco Lifestyle; Health and Wellbeing, NGOs… It is expected that 400 exhibitors will participate and that more than 50,000 visitors will once again be expected. More than 300 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition. Ángeles Parra, director of the fair, commented that “it would be very difficult to summarise these almost 40 years of fairs, activism, rebellion and social awareness. We have never been a fad. Time has proved us right. The future will be ecological or it will not be.”
Poster of the event


The 57th edition of the Lorca livestock, industrial and agri-food fair, SEPOR, will be held on October 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2024 in Lorca, Murcia Its programme includes the presentation of new products and solutions for the sector, as well as an extensive programme of conferences and talks.
4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain

4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain

The 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain will take place on 9 October at a location yet to be determined. Building on the outcomes of previous Forum meetings, this event will explore the various ways in which producers can increase yields by actively participating in the value chain. Pending further details of the meeting. In English.
Image of fruits and vegetables coming out of a window

Fruit Attraction

Fruit Attraction is the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals. Fruit Attraction has become the reference commercial tool for the WORLDWIDE marketing of fruit and vegetables . Its capacity to promote global exports in the sector makes it the commercial connection point for all the professionals that make up the entire value chain, in addition to having consolidated itself as a framework for innovation in the fruit and vegetable market.
poster 8th day of the Spanish composting network
Red Española de Compostaje

Conference of the Spanish Composting Network. "Zero waste: the future horizon"

Meeting point between researchers and professionals related to organic waste management to analyze and debate the situation of its treatment from a technical and social point of view, highlighting the transfer of knowledge to the industrial sector . The Conference has the collaboration of the Spanish Composting Network and is organized by the RNM271 group of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Córdoba. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | HEADQUARTERS | Information and contact: 957485848 / 667833701 email:
A set of roses


Iberflora is the great professional gardening event . The largest commercial and educational offer within the business of plants, flowers, landscaping, gardening, technology and DIY gardening in the professional calendar of the sector. To consult the event program click here
ifapa conference Promoting Innovation, Sustainability and Added Value in the Agri-Food Sector

Second open day “Promoting Innovation, Sustainability and Added Value in the Agri-Food Sector”

On September 27 , at the IFAPA Rancho de la Merced facilities in Jerez de la Frontera, the second open day of the seminar will be held. This session, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. , will feature a series of technical presentations focused on innovation and sustainability in Andalusian horticulture. Highlights include: BIHOX® oxygenation technology and its impact on zucchini and watermelon crops. The biomass potential of Andalusian horticulture and the challenges for the circular bioeconomy. New advances in biotechnology and the development of virus-resistant rootstocks. Safety in the use of phytosanitary products and the safest and most sustainable technologies in horticulture. After a break, the day will continue with the presentation of the seminar's new website and a session on collaboration between institutions. The event will conclude with the official closing ceremony by the president of IFAPA, Marta Bosquet Aznar, followed by a closing drink at 12:30 p.m. Attendance is free , upon registration. For more information, please contact us by email at:; or by phone at 956.03.46.00. Registration | Program
Webinar digimapa
Observatorio de la Digitalización del Sector Agroalimentario

Webinar "DigiMAPA: The digital tool that connects the agri-food sector with Agrotech companies.

Webinar that will offer detailed information on the advantages of this business search engine in the field of agri-food technology . New features will also be presented and the problems that the value chain encounters in the transfer and implementation of digital technologies in the sector will be discussed in a round table . Participants will include: Manuel Lainez Andrés , Director of Innovation and Agri-Food Development at Cajamar; Alejandro Blaas Nacle , Director of Plataforma Tierra; Francisco José Castillo Díaz , Analyst at Plataforma Tierra; Inés Isabel La Moneda , Advisory Member at the General Subdirectorate of Innovation and Digitalization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Alberto A. García Torés, General Manager at Granja de Desarrollo Ovino AGM; José Antonio Rísquez Salas , Director of Innovation and Business Development at COVAP; Jesús Gerique Molina , General Manager of 7eData Business; and José Manuel Escobar , Director of LQA THINKING ORGANIC SL. REGISTRATION | PROGRAM
Cereal Outlook 2024/2025
Plataforma Tierra

Webinar on the outlook for the cereal sector in the 2024/25 campaign

Take part in this webinar with the main agents in the cereal production and distribution chain. During this event, the prospects for the campaign that is about to begin will be analysed and discussed in depth. Objectives of the webinar: Exchange of Information and Experiences: Share and receive valuable knowledge about the cereal market. Strengthening Business Relationships: Establish and consolidate connections with other professionals in the sector. Joint Strategy Development: Collaborate in the creation of effective tactics to successfully confront the new campaign. Following the presentation of the Annual Report of the herbaceous sector in 2024 Fundación Cajamar, a discussion table will be opened in which the following will participate: Ignacio Atance Muñiz , Director of the Research Department of Grupo Cajamar; Pablo Resco Sánchez, Head of Agri-Food Strategy at Plataforma Tierra; Antonio Catón Vázquez, Sector Director of Cereals at Cooperativas agro-alimentarias España; and Jorge de Saja, General Manager of CESFAC. Key issues in the 2024 cereal campaign in Spain An opportunity to keep up to date with the latest trends and strategies in the cereal sector. Key topics will be addressed such as: Production forecasts. International market conditions. Price expectations. Challenges and opportunities presented by the campaign. Cooperation and coordination between the different actors in the chain, to optimize efficiency and ensure adequate supply.
Image from the 2nd International Congress on Cattle
Congreso Internacional de Vacuno

II International Congress on Cattle

In-person and online congress where technicians and farmers will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the image that society has of the beef cattle sector and what levers should be activated to reverse preconceived ideas. Streaming of the Congress PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION | CONTACT:
Image of the StartBEC Program
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación/AINIA

Demoday StartBec

Startbec is the MAPA and AINIA programme for the design and implementation of measures to encourage the development of technology-based startups in the field of bioeconomy. The aim is to promote innovative value chains linked to the agri-food sector, support entrepreneurship, and invest in talent. During the StartBEC DemoDay, experts in the field will discuss the many opportunities offered by the bioeconomy, and the protagonists of the program will be introduced: companies, experts, researchers and students who are part of this first edition of StartBEC. INFORMATION DOSSIER | REGISTRATION | Contact,
logo olive oil world congress
Olive Oil World Congress

World Olive Oil Congress

The Olive Oil World Congress is an event that will bring together the main speakers worldwide in each subject to enhance olive oil and transmit its benefits to society through the following objectives : Bring together professionals in the sector and promote the transfer of knowledge about this product in all links of the production chain. Study success stories and the best marketing and sales tools that will help the sector improve its commercial effectiveness. Address in depth the production, research and marketing of olive oil. DOSIER | REGISTRATION | Information and contact 917217929
XVI European Poultry Congress
Congreso Europeo de Avicultura

XVI European Poultry Conference

Professionals from all over the world and expert speakers will present the latest scientific advances in all areas of poultry farming. The Congress will also feature a space for trade exhibitions, as well as satellite conferences for scientific dissemination by the most active companies in the European poultry sector. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM | Registration | Location | Information and contact 34 963 528 181 |