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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
event poster

Series of seminars on the CAP at ETSIA. “The evolution of the CAP and the current CAP”

The ETSIA in Seville will host a series of seminars on the Common Agricultural Policy with various experts We would like to inform you about the holding of several seminars with qualified experts who will come to the ETSIA in Seville (Ctra. de Utrera, Km. 1) to discuss the Common Agricultural Policy , which will be open and of great interest. The first session on “The evolution of the CAP and the current CAP” was held on 6 March. The second session will be on Wednesday, March 12, from 12:40 to 14:30, in classroom 3. Armando Martínez, Coordinator of Agriculture and Food at the Andalusian Government, will participate in this session as a speaker on the topic. On Thursday 13 March, the conference will focus on “Rural development interventions”. Juan Antonio Jaén Téllez, Technical Advisor and Official of the Andalusian Government, will address this topic. To attend, simply send an email to the attention of DANIEL ALBARRACIN SANCHEZ:
cartel del evento

Series of seminars on the CAP at ETSIA. “The evolution of the CAP and the current CAP”

The ETSIA in Seville will host a series of seminars on the Common Agricultural Policy with various experts We would like to inform you about the holding of several seminars with qualified experts who will come to the ETSIA in Seville (Ctra. de Utrera, Km. 1) to discuss the Common Agricultural Policy , which will be open and of great interest. The first of the sessions dedicated to "The evolution of the CAP and the current CAP" will take place on March 6. (from 8:30 to 10:20 a.m., in room 8), Thursday, and March 12, Wednesday, (12:40-2:30 p.m., in room 3) Armando Martínez, Coordinator of Agriculture and Food at the Junta de Andalucía, will speak to give an account of . On Thursday, March 13, Juan Antonio Jaén Téllez (8:30-10:20 a.m., classroom 8), Doctor in Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Sustainable Rural Development Engineering, Technical Advisor and Official of the Andalusian Government, will discuss "Rural development interventions." To attend, send an e-mail to the a/a. from DANIEL ALBARRACIN SANCHEZ:
event poster

Agrovoltaic Day ENERGY + CROPS: A double use of the land

The Agricultural and Agri-Food Technology Centre ( ITAGRA ) is organizing the conference “Agrovoltaics = energy + crops. A double use of the land” , which will take place on Wednesday, February 26 at the Palace of the Provincial Council of Palencia. Experts in the subject will talk about the current state of this technology, the financing of projects, and the innovative examples that exist in Castilla y León, among other issues. During this conference, the GO CONTROL project will be disseminated. About the CONTROL Operational Group The Task Force on Optimization and improvement of the efficiency of solar irrigation through the use of digital technology, applying artificial intelligence (GO CONTROL), is framed in the context of water needs in the field. One of the greatest limitations in agriculture is knowing when to irrigate and in what quantity. Technological innovation is the key to solving this and the great revolution of ICT technologies, sensors and automatic processing capacity has opened up new possibilities for water and energy optimization. The compatibility of solar irrigation with digital technology would make it possible to stop this phenomenon of depopulation in rural areas, contributing to improving economic performance and creating value in these spaces. Women have a key role in the rural world that can be enhanced by activities that generate economies induced by the principal. The group's objectives are: Transforming agriculture into a smart and highly technological sector, applying digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in solar irrigation and crop development. Digital technologies and AI, through the use of sensors and drones to validate results, will improve the efficiency of solar irrigation, making the most of natural resources and reducing water and energy consumption. Process analysis and definition of control algorithms will enable the development of applications for farmers' devices.
Hazardous waste management

HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT: Environmental impact and internal and external management of phytosanitary products

During this session, the Recicland project will be presented , and theory will be taught on the environmental consequences of hazardous waste management and on the internal management of pesticide containers, broth residues, and expired or discontinued products on the farm, as well as on the management of this hazardous waste off-farm.
Agri-food Challenge
Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas

Online congress “The agri-food challenge in the face of climate change”

The Economics, Post-harvest and Industry Working Groups of the Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences (SECH) are organizing a new online Congress on "The agri-food challenge in the face of climate change" that will take place online on December 3 and 4 . The challenges of the agri-food sector in the current climate change scenario and the 2030 Agenda require a response from the entire agri-food chain, from production, through industry, process improvement, marketing and responsible food consumption, and influencing the responsibility of society itself. These challenges become challenges and opportunities that will be addressed at the Congress. The conference will be organised in sessions that will include oral presentations and invited speakers with works related to fruit and vegetable production, post-harvest, circular economy and environmental sustainability.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

The path to digitalisation within the CAP-27 framework

Digitalisation in the agricultural sector is a crucial challenge, especially for a wide range of small and micro-sized agricultural companies (SMEs), as well as for the state administration, which must coordinate with the Autonomous Communities and the European Union. In this context, the event will analyse the challenges and opportunities posed by digitalisation within the legislative framework of the CAP-27 and the Nature Restoration Law , including aspects such as the Digital Exploitation Notebook (CUE) and its integration with the databases managed by FEGA in Spain. The event will bring together experts from the administration and private companies who will share their experiences in the development of technological solutions for connectivity and data management. After the presentations, there will be a round table where attendees will be able to interact directly with the professionals.
Annual Conference Poster November 2024

10th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments

10th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments , organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Registration will open in Summer 2024. 10th Annual EU Conference on EAFRD Financial Instruments organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Registration will open during summer 2024.
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas de España (CGCOITAE)

II Congress of Agricultural Engineering

The 2nd Congress of Agricultural Engineering, organised by the Council of Official Colleges of Technical Agricultural Engineers of Spain and the Official College of Technical Agricultural and Forestry Engineers of Catalonia, will take place on 13 and 14 November at the Higher Technical School of Agri-Food and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lleida. The central themes of its seven sessions include water management, the food chain, agrivoltaics, green spaces and urban trees, hydrological forest management and plant health. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Poster of the event


The 57th edition of the Lorca livestock, industrial and agri-food fair, SEPOR, will be held on October 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2024 in Lorca, Murcia Its programme includes the presentation of new products and solutions for the sector, as well as an extensive programme of conferences and talks.
III Catalonia Biogas Forum
Clúster Bioenergía de Cataluña

III Biogas Forum of Catalonia

The 3rd Catalonia Biogas Forum will take place on 24 October, as part of the European Biogas Week. Organised by the Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia, it will address various aspects of the production and use of this energy source, showcasing various success stories and offering a space to discuss its future and build relationships between the various actors in the sector who will participate in the meeting. REGISTRATION
Living Lab EU4Advice
EU4Advice & Fundación entretantos

Living Lab EU4Advice: Short Marketing Channels (SMC) in AKIS

The E4Advice project , funded by the European Commission's Horizon Europe programme, aims to boost the role of advisors in Short Marketing Channels (SMC) and direct selling to transfer knowledge by creating an EU network of Advisors with knowledge and experience in these areas within the AKIS reference framework. You can sign up for the EU4Advice and Entretantos Foundation Living Lab by clicking here
Synergy days at

Synergy Days 2024

Synergy Days is the leading conference connecting digital innovators in the European agri-food sector . The event provides a space for the agri-food community to meet, discuss and exchange knowledge by bringing together EU projects, policy makers, European and digital innovation hubs, farmers and more. Over two days , discussions, workshops, live demonstrations and presentations of EU projects will take place, designed to create more networking connections than ever before. You can register by clicking here . You can watch the program (in English) by clicking here .
poster 8th day of the Spanish composting network
Red Española de Compostaje

Conference of the Spanish Composting Network. "Zero waste: the future horizon"

Meeting point between researchers and professionals related to organic waste management to analyze and debate the situation of its treatment from a technical and social point of view, highlighting the transfer of knowledge to the industrial sector . The Conference has the collaboration of the Spanish Composting Network and is organized by the RNM271 group of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Córdoba. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | HEADQUARTERS | Information and contact: 957485848 / 667833701 email:
Poster for the technical conference of the wine technology platform
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI)

Wine Technology Platform Technical Conference 2024

The Technical Conference organized by the Agrarian Technological Institute of the Junta de Castilla y León ( ITACyL ) and the Wine Technology Platform ( PTV ) aims to highlight innovation in the wine sector . During the day, experts and specialists from ITACyL, CDTI and representatives of wineries will give various presentations on innovative projects and two round tables on innovation in the sector and the opportunities for public and public financing of innovation for the wine sector. PROGRAM | FREE REGISTRATION | Location | Event information and contact :
Image of the StartBEC Program
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación/AINIA

Demoday StartBec

Startbec is the MAPA and AINIA programme for the design and implementation of measures to encourage the development of technology-based startups in the field of bioeconomy. The aim is to promote innovative value chains linked to the agri-food sector, support entrepreneurship, and invest in talent. During the StartBEC DemoDay, experts in the field will discuss the many opportunities offered by the bioeconomy, and the protagonists of the program will be introduced: companies, experts, researchers and students who are part of this first edition of StartBEC. INFORMATION DOSSIER | REGISTRATION | Contact,
Workshop on high-impact financing for innovation

Workshop “Financing high-impact innovation”

InNormadrid and the Alcobendas Business Association (AICA) are organizing a financing workshop in which the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) will offer an update on the lines of aid and provide information on the EIC Accelerator program. Networking and CDTI financing for innovation projects The meeting will allow for interviews so that projects can receive advice on their ideas. REGISTRATION | MORE INFORMATION
Study The digital transformation of the agri-food sector in akisplataforma

Conference "The digital transformation of the agri-food sector as seen by its professionals" at La Vega Innova

On June 12, La Vega Innova opens its doors to offer a tour of its facilities and present the results of the study by the Observatory of digitalization of the agri-food sector “ The digital transformation of the agri-food sector seen by its professionals ”. This is a demographic study based on more than 3,500 responses to a survey on : The most relevant technologies for people in the agri-food sector Specific aspects of robotization Types of sensors Data transfer Opinions on traceability in the agri-food industry Characteristics of training for professionals in the sector in the field of digitalization Main channels used to consult innovations in the agri-food sector Participants include: Isabel Bombal Díaz , Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training; Begoña García Bernal , Secretary of State for Agriculture and Food; Eduardo Baamonde Noche , President of Cajamar Caja Rural; Maite Ambrós Mendioroz , Deputy Director of the General Subdirectorate of Innovation and Digitalisation; Manuel Lainez Andrés , Director of Innovation and Agri-Food Development and Director of the Cajamar Group Foundation; Jose Luis Molina , member of AMETIC Smart agro, CEO of Hispatec Agrointeligencia; Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva , Director of iHubs Fiware at Telefónica. Following the presentation and dialogue between the participants, there will be a visit to the iHub La Vega Innova and the exhibitions of the startups in its entrepreneurship program . *There will be a shuttle service from the Ministry's headquarters in Atocha for those who do not have their own vehicle (the bus will be located at the intersection of Cuesta de Moyano and Alfonso XII streets, and will leave at 09.10 a.m. that day; the return to Madrid from La VegaInnova will take place at the end of the day). Prior registration is essential . PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | CONTACT
Image of the Abanca fair with a crowd walking around

Green Week of Galicia 2024

Abanca Fair Green Week of Galicia The entire value chain of the primary sector, from agriculture, machinery and livestock, to the final product or gastronomic tourism, will once again be the hallmark of the event. The venue is located in the town of Silleda and has magnificent infrastructures covering more than 400,000 m2 of surface area, of which 35,000 m2 are used for exhibitions (distributed in several pavilions) and 55,000 m2 outdoors, as well as 27,000 m2 of green areas. Its pavilions, its auditorium, its multiple rooms and its outdoor spaces give it great versatility. In addition, there are its large car parks, a green ring, an artificial lake and even a helipad, which allow it to adapt to all types of events and needs.
descriptive image of networking

M&A Next 2024

F&A Next is an event about thought leadership and connecting promising startups and scale-ups with dedicated Food & Agtech investors and leading corporations. Includes two days of networking, presentations and discussions on the dynamics of food and agriculture.
II Aid Days 21May2024
Escuela de Organización Industrial

2nd Presentation Day of the Supra-autonomous Aid for Advice on the Digital Transition of the Agri-Food and Forestry Sector

How to design and present a successful project will be the focus of this session, which will provide all the details on the call for aid published in the BOE in May 2024 for the financing of the creation or provision of advisory services. The facilities of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), at the University City of Madrid, host this face-to-face session, which can also be followed online on the EOI YouTube channel from 10:00 a.m. Isabel Bombal , Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training (MAPA) and José Bayón, Director General of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), will open the day, which will also be attended by Maite Ambrós , Deputy Director General of Innovation and Digitalization (MAPA); Juan Pedro Romero , Head of the Training and Technology Area, Deputy Directorate General of Innovation and Digitalization (MAPA); and Sergio Gonzalo , Deputy Assistant Director of Market Regulation. Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund OA (FEGA) PROGRAM of the day | REGISTRATION | LIVE STREAMING