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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Poster announcing the FIMA 2026 fair
FIMA International Fair of Agricultural Machinery
FIMA will once again be the largest event in the agricultural world in Southern Europe. Mechanisation and technological innovations will show professionals the best way to make their farms more...
event poster
Gobierno de La Rioja

Field Day "Conservation Agriculture: Direct sowing and plant cover in woody plants"

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural World and Environment of the Government of La Rioja is organizing the Field Day: Conservation Agriculture: Direct sowing and plant cover in woody crops , aimed at farmers and technicians. Different plots will be visited where the subject of waste management, soil, rotations for the practice of direct sowing and the use of plant covers in woody crops will be discussed. Program 9.30-10.30 a.m. Conservation agriculture machinery. Direct seeding drills with coulters, discs and spiked harrows 10:30-11:00 a.m. Visit to a wheat plot 11.00-11.30 a.m. Coffee break 11.30-11.50 a.m. Visit to barley plot 11.50-13.00 h Visits to legume plots 13.00-14.00 h Visit to a vineyard with vegetation cover For any questions or clarifications, please contact us via email at or by calling 617 97 70 64. REGISTRATION

Biocultura A Coruña 6th edition

BioCultura, the largest fair for organic products and ecotourism in the country, will be held from 7 to 9 March 2025 at EXPOCoruña. It will bring together more than 150 exhibitors dedicated to the sectors of organic food (with more than 10,000 references), ecotourism, organic cosmetics, sustainable fashion, healthy housing, well-being, eco-lifestyle, crafts and NGOs. More than 150 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition and it is expected to exceed 13,000 visitors.
Organic Agriculture Congress

II Congress of Organic Agriculture of the Region of Murcia.

The aim of this congress is to become a scientific and technical meeting between researchers, professionals in the agricultural sector, administrations, ecological companies and technology and is intended to become a space for analysis, by expert speakers, on the main concerns relating to the sector, as well as the study and dissemination of the regulatory developments that affect us. We hope to have a highly interactive and participatory conference, with free registration, that serves as a meeting point for friends and colleagues. See you!
Asesores de Aragón

Organic farming

Do you want to dedicate yourself professionally to the production of organic and local food? Do you want to gradually convert your farm to organic farming? Do you want to get started in some of the techniques and possibilities offered by organic farming, for your own consumption or as a source of additional income? Our Organic Farming course will train you to grow, use resources and manage the soil in an ecological way. PROGRAM: Introduction Soil management and fertility in organic crops Water management in organic farming Management of phytosanitary problems in organic farming + REGISTRATION
Poster for the network of advisors in organic production

Presentation of the new Spanish Network of Advisors in Organic Production

On January 23 at 9:30, in an online format, the presentation day of the Spanish Network of Advisors in Organic Production will take place. This initiative is linked to the European project OrganicAdviceNetwork and is open to both conventional advisors who want to get started in organic production, as well as those with consolidated experience in the sector , since it is hoped to reach the largest possible number of advisors in order to create a space to learn, share and grow together. During this session the following will be announced: The objectives and activities of the Spanish network. The possibilities for participation and the commitments to be part of it. Next steps to strengthen advice on organic production in Spain. The OrganicAdviceNetwork project is funded by the European Commission (Agreement No. 101134850) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. EVENT REGISTRATION

SIVAL: International fair of plant production techniques

This forum is an event that brings together experts in agricultural innovation to discuss new technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and advances in the field of biotechnology applied to agriculture.
Avocados in organic farming
AgroCabildo Tenerife

Visit to an organic avocado farm

Training activities. Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Tenerife Island Council.
Photograph of previous bioculture event

BioCultura 2024 Madrid

On the verge of its 40th edition, BioCultura Madrid will once again show that “bio” is not/was not a fad and that it is here to stay. The fair will be held in November at the Feria de Madrid-Ifema venue. The sectors will be: Organic food; Certified eco-natural cosmetics and hygiene; Healthy home; Sustainable fashion; Eco Lifestyle; Health and Wellbeing, NGOs… It is expected that 400 exhibitors will participate and that more than 50,000 visitors will once again be expected. More than 300 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition. Ángeles Parra, director of the fair, commented that “it would be very difficult to summarise these almost 40 years of fairs, activism, rebellion and social awareness. We have never been a fad. Time has proved us right. The future will be ecological or it will not be.”

EUFRAS COFFEE Break on Thematic Networks

EUFRAS organises an online collaborative Forum that helps to participate and manage thematic networks and to exchange, learn and grow with like-minded professionals across the agricultural advisory sector. Forum Participants : Beatriz Cardoso (CONSULAI) AdvisoryNetPEST: Enhance EU advisory services and foster knowledge sharing to reduce the use and risk of pesticides. Paula Resana (INTIA) STRATUS; Connecting advisors across Europe to accelerate knowledge creation and sharing on Integrated Fertilization Management. Claire Morelle (IFOAM) OrganicAdviceNetwork: Build a Europe-wide network of organic advisors of varying experience levels. To register for the Coffee Break click here EUFRAS is a network of advisory organisations created in 2013 with the aim of supporting agricultural advisory services across Europe. EUFRAS' main objectives include: developing a community of advisors and defending their interests; supporting the professional development of advisors; responding to the challenges facing advisory services in agriculture and rural development.
Image of fruits and vegetables coming out of a window

Fruit Attraction

Fruit Attraction is the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals. Fruit Attraction has become the reference commercial tool for the WORLDWIDE marketing of fruit and vegetables . Its capacity to promote global exports in the sector makes it the commercial connection point for all the professionals that make up the entire value chain, in addition to having consolidated itself as a framework for innovation in the fruit and vegetable market.
A set of roses


Iberflora is the great professional gardening event . The largest commercial and educational offer within the business of plants, flowers, landscaping, gardening, technology and DIY gardening in the professional calendar of the sector. To consult the event program click here
La Rioja eco-shuttle
Gobierno de La Rioja

Closing of the Ecolanzadera Project. Guide for rural agroecological entrepreneurship.

On September 25th, there will be an open day for the closing ceremony of the Ecolanzadera project and the presentation of the Agroecological Rural Entrepreneurship Guide. This project, carried out between December 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, launched a theoretical-practical training program , divided into several modules, providing participants with knowledge to: The transformation of your farm to models based on agroecological management. The incorporation of people into agricultural holdings with agroecological potential. Entrepreneurship based on agroecological agricultural models. The project included advising 5 farms in the process of converting to organic farming and the development of a Guide for Agroecological Entrepreneurship. Organized by AGROVIDAR , the event requires registration and confirmation of attendance at: 675 010 607 or
Second field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Albacete/Valencia

Second field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Albacete/Valencia

The Spanish Association for Conservation Agriculture Living Soils (AEACSV) will hold a second free field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops in September. This event will be held on September 25 at the "Casa Roig" farm, located between Alpera (Albacete) and Ayora (Valencia). The Casa de Roig estate, with 436 hectares, of which 300 are dedicated to extensive crops and the rest to lavender and vineyards with plant cover, is a model to follow in the region. During the day, topics such as soil management, crop rotation, soil cover, nitrogen fertilization and the environmental benefits of these practices will be discussed. The event will include four thematic stations: Station 1: 30 years of direct sowing in dry and irrigated land in Albacete, by Miguel Barnuevo. Station 2: From direct sowing to ground cover, by Vicente Bodas, agricultural director at Agrisat. Station 3: Farmer experiences, from theory to practice, by Juan José Puertas, farmer and farm owner. Station 4: Private sector solutions to support direct seeding eco-regimes. This event is held within the framework of the training agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the AEACSV. Registration is free. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
eu organic awards

EU Organic Awards 2024 Ceremony

The EU Organic Awards, which recognise excellence in the organic value chain, will be presented in Brussels on 23 September . They comprise 7 categories and 8 individual awards. The EU Eco Awards are an opportunity to recognise the work of various actors along the organic value chain who have developed an excellent, innovative, sustainable and inspiring project that produces real added value for organic production and consumption. The award ceremony will coincide with EU Organic Farming Day and will be attended by representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe. The winners will have the opportunity to explain their project to the public. Farm to Table Strategy Organic production has been identified as playing a key role in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy. The Commission also adopted the Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production in March 2021, including the launch of annual awards recognising excellence in the organic value chain. For this third edition of the EU Eco Awards, any actor or institution along the organic value chain with a noteworthy project was encouraged to apply. Each submitted project had to contribute to increased affordability and/or accessibility of organic products in the EU.
Field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Huesca

Field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Huesca

The Spanish Association for Conservation Agriculture of Living Soils (AEACSV) organizes a free field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops , with the aim of promoting direct sowing . This event will take place on September 19 in Cuarte (Huesca) , at the Castillo de Orus farm, known for its successful management in direct sowing for more than 21 years. The Castillo de Orus farm, with 800 hectares, of which 640 are dedicated to extensive crops using direct sowing, is a benchmark in the region. During the day, topics such as soil management, crop rotation, soil cover, nitrogen fertilization and the environmental benefits of these practices will be addressed. The event will include four themed stations and a dynamic demonstration of machinery: Station 1: No-tillage and its effects on the soil, by Jesús Ángel Betrán, director of the Agroenvironmental Laboratory of the Government of Aragon. Station 2: Conservation Agriculture, a paradigm shift, by Carlos Molina, AGRACON technician. Station 3: Farmer experiences, challenges and solutions, by Pablo Villamayor, Agricultural Engineer and owner of the farm. Station 4: Private sector solutions to support direct seeding eco-regimes. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
10th International Congress of Agroecology
EU CAP Network

10th International Congress of Agroecology

The "10th International Congress on Agroecology: Agroecologies of the World, united to face global crises" will be held for the first time in Viseu ( Portugal ), from 2 to 6 September 2024. Since its first edition in 2006, the International Congress on Agroecology has been held in Spain (Vigo, Córdoba and Seville). This year's aim is to share agroecological experiences and collective responses to challenge the dominance of large markets and agribusiness. The entire agroecology sector at the 10th Congress in Viseu With the vision that agroecology is a collective effort and that its leading role must be returned to people and communities, the Congress involves actors from the social, agricultural, technical, scientific and academic sectors, as well as politicians and social movements. Embracing the inclusive principles of agroecology, the Congress keeps registration fees low to encourage broad participation and equally values contributions from academia and civil society. It has established itself as an important platform addressing crucial issues at regional, national and international levels. The event is held in English.
Regenerative agriculture

Approaching regenerative agriculture

Within the framework of the Riudoms Hazelnut Fair, on August 6, the technical conference "Approach to regenerative agriculture" will take place, organized by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the College of Agricultural Technical Engineers of Catalonia. Although soil biology has been known for decades, it has only been in recent years that people have become aware of the damage that conventional agricultural practices have caused to the soil. Regenerative agriculture essentially consists of crop management that is very focused on the Restoring soil health with techniques that are not always easy to implement. In order to make progress in soil recovery, the first thing to do is to understand how soils work and know what tools exist. PROGRAM
Biological control of tomato plants

Biological control of Tuta absoluta and Aculops lycopersici in tomato plants

Workshop on tools to improve biological control of two very important pests in tomato crops, the moth Tuta absoluta and the scab mite Aculops lycopersici . During the workshop, data obtained from two projects in which the IRTA Sustainable Plant Protection Programme participates will be presented. On the one hand, the results of studies carried out within the framework of an Operational Group to promote the use of parasitoids in the management of lepidoptera will be shown. On the other hand, a visit will be made to an experimental greenhouse where, within the framework of the European ADOPT-IPM project , two biological control tools have been integrated to combat the two most important pests affecting tomato crops. PROGRAM
Technology to prevent drift from phytosanitary treatments

Workshop on herbicides with Prosulfocarb in cereals (InnovAC-Eco Project)

The Union of Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja (UAGR) has organized a day dedicated to the presentation of the InnovAC-Eco Project , dedicated to studying the presence of phytosanitary residues in olive oils, originating from drifts of applications on other crops, focusing on the herbicidal active ingredient Prosulfocarb. Even if the maximum limits authorized for consumption are not exceeded, their mere presence does represent an impediment to the certification of organic oils , thus reducing their profitability. Technology to prevent drift from phytosanitary treatments Within the framework of this project, a prototype technology capable of detecting product drift in real time has been developed. The work has also served to raise awareness among cereal growers about the drift caused by their treatments. No prior registration is required.
Fercam Manzanares 24

FERCAM. 62nd National Manzanares Country Fair.

The 62nd edition of the Feria Nacional del Campo (National Countryside Fair) will begin on June 26 in Manzanares. It is a meeting point for the sector with more than 42 million euros in merchandise on display and a program of more than forty activities including technical conferences, tastings of agricultural and food products, workshops and competitions, with the participation of more than 204 exhibitors. Opening and activities Fercam will open its doors at 10:00 on Wednesday 26 June, with the official opening at 11:30. During the five days of the fair, visitors will be able to enjoy a varied and attractive programme for all audiences. The technical conferences, organised by agricultural companies and associations, will address topics such as: Mobility Innovation and digitalization Resource optimization. Tastings of agricultural and food products are also a common attraction and are in high demand by the public. Children's Prizes and Activities The National Countryside Fair will award prizes to the best agricultural and food products in the wine, Manchego cheese and olive oil competitions. For the little ones, Fercam offers activities such as 'Livestock for a day', 'Chefs for a day', a children's honey tasting and a healthy breakfast. This year, Repsol is presenting new free workshops for all ages, such as agroecological urban gardens, building wind generators, composting and building solar cars. Fercam timetables 2024 Fercam 2024 will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. from Wednesday 26 to Saturday 29 June. On Sunday 30 June, the fair will open only in the morning, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PROGRAM | EXHIBITORS