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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
event poster

Informative day for GO GESVAC 4.0 farmers

The first informative day for livestock farmers of the GESVAC 4.0 Operational Group will take place on March 7 - Phase 2 at the IMIDRA La Chimenea estate in Aranjuez (Madrid). Program: 12:00 Presentation of the day 12:15 IMIDRA Activities Santiago Moreno Alcalde (Head of the IMIDRA Livestock Research and Improvement Area) 12:30 Testing within the Limousin Breeding Program Francisco Javier García Calvillo (Technical Director of the Spanish Federation of Limousin Breeders) 13:00 New developments in the GESVAC 4.0 platform José Luis Tejeda (ICT Department of the Confederation of Spanish Frisian Associations) 13:30 Meat quality through ultrasound Nicolás Escartín (HUMECO Veterinarian) 14:15 Spanish wine
meat attraction

Meat Attraction 2025

Meat Attraction, organised by IFEMA MADRID and ANICE, is a leading trade fair in the meat sector, providing an essential platform for operators, exhibitors and buyers. With a focus on marketing, innovation, quality and knowledge, Meat Attraction 2025 seeks to promote international business activity and encourage training and interaction between meat industry professionals.
event poster

Presentation of the results of the BOVIEX Operational Group

The BOVIEX 4.0 Operational Group: “Technological improvement in extensive cattle production in Spain” is organizing its final day of presentation of results , during which the partners and subcontractors of the project will present the achievements and progress obtained, as well as the conclusions derived from its execution, which are expected to be of great interest to the livestock sector. This Operational Group was created for the technological improvement in extensive cattle production in Spain.
Market day

Chamber of Agriculture Market Day in La Casa de Campo

Madrid's local producers' market is held on the first Saturday of every month at the Casa de Campo Fairgrounds in Madrid. Local products from producers in the Community of Madrid. Oils, Vegetables, Legumes and Vegetables, Meats, Sausages, Dairy Products, Cheeses, Sweets, Bread, Drinks, Craft Beers, Gourmet Products, Organic Foods, Vegan Foods, etc. Opening hours: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Free admission Location: Agricultural Chamber of the Community of Madrid. Puerta del Angel Walk, 4 – Casa de Campo Fairgrounds Event dates: Sat 1 Feb 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 1 Mar 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 5 Apr 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 3 May 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 7 Jun 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 5 Jul 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat Aug 2, 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 6 Sep 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 4 Oct 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 1 Nov 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00 Sat 6 Dec 2025 @ 10:00 - 15:00

Digital technological innovations to improve the commercial competitiveness of extensive livestock farming and promote short distribution circuits

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The fourth of these talks focuses on the E-LocalHUB Operational Group. Digital technological innovations to improve the commercial competitiveness of extensive livestock farming and promote short distribution circuits. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Teresa Antoñanzas, RFEAGAS technical department. 12:10 : From the Field to the Screen: Opportunities and challenges of e-commerce for our breeds – Jose M. Perea (UCO) and Fernando Lianes (Teckpyma). 12:30 : Native breeds on labels: A gateway to responsible consumption – Rosa Díez, Deputy Director General of Livestock Production Resources at MAPA. ZOOM LINK

Precision livestock farming to increase sustainability and resilience in extensive farms of native breeds

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The third of these talks focuses on the SMARTFARMRANI Operational Group. Precision livestock farming to increase sustainability and resilience in extensive farms of native breeds. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Teresa Antoñanzas, RFEAGAS technical department. 12:10 : Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of heifers on extensive farms – Lola Buendía, researcher at the Cajamar Experimental Station. 12:30 : A practical approach to measure the resilience of livestock farms – Daniel Martín Collado and Alicia Prat Benhamou, researchers at CITA de Aragón. ZOOM LINK

Development of an economical MD Chip for affiliation, disease diagnosis, genomic selection in PRE and digital tools for its use

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The second of these talks focuses on the Equigenom Task Force. Development of an economical MD Chip for parentage, disease diagnosis, genomic selection in PRE and digital tools for its use. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Juan Mª Gallardo, technical director of RFEAGAS. 12:10 : Genomics: The hidden language of DNA – Arancha Rodríguez Sainz de los Terreros, technical director of the PRE Horse Genealogical Book. 12:30 : Applications and advantages of genomics in the equine sector – Pedro Azor, technical deputy director of the PRE Horse Stud Book. ZOOM LINK
cows grazing in the field

Technological improvement in extensive cattle production in Spain

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The first of these talks focuses on the BOVIEX 4.0 Operational Group and is entitled Technological Improvement in the Production of Extensive Bovine Livestock in Spain . The programme is as follows: 12:00 Presentation of project objectives , by Juan Mª Gallardo, technical director of RFEAGAS. 12:10 Extensive cattle farming: Keys to sustainable well-being , presented by Marta Elena Alonso, professor at the Department of Animal Production at the University of León. 12:30 Remote sensing to characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of pastures , with Julio Villodre, PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from AgriSat Iberia. The day will conclude with a round of questions to encourage the exchange of ideas and perspectives. ZOOM LINK
Demofarm day poster on akisplataforma

DEMOFARM Technical Conference: Demonstration and Dissemination of Tools for Digital Transformation in Extensive Cattle Farming

With the aim of disseminating the advantages of digitalisation in extensive cattle farms , this technical conference will take place on 12 November, which will include an in-person and on-site assessment by the farmer at the La Bellida farm, where different technological solutions have been implemented. In addition, proposals such as the following will be discussed: Digital scale. GPS collars. Tank sensor. Livestock and supplies control chamber. Operations management software. Drinking fountain sensor. REGISTRATION until November 11, 2024
Alcarrás beef cattle technical workshop

Technical workshop on beef cattle in Alcarrás

The XXVI Technical Conference on Beef Cattle will be held on October 24 in Alcarràs , organized by the Association of Beef Cattle Farmers of the town . This meeting aims to help farmers in the region to keep up to date in an increasingly complicated market, marked by regulations such as the reduction of antibiotics, the law on livestock manure and the new CAP, which directly affects the sector. Figures such as Joan Talarn Gilabert, president of the Diputació de Lleida, and Ricard Gòdia Companys, president of Asoprovac Nacional, will be present. The event will be notable for its innovative approach , with a change in format and the inclusion of a business motivator, Emili Duró Pàmies, who will address the importance of a positive attitude and resilience in livestock productivity. In addition, key topics will be discussed, such as strategies to deal with market crises and tools to reach consumers, by experts such as Matilde Moro Valentín and Javier López López. This meeting will also analyse the impact of factors such as the entry of SIGE, QIE, and Ecoregimes, as well as the challenges arising from Bluetongue and EHE . The day will culminate with a cocktail debate and lunch, providing a networking space for attendees. PROGRAM
Logo World Congress of Rabbit Breeding
World Rabbit Congress

World Congress of Rabbit Breeding

The 13th edition of the World Rabbit Congress will be held from 2 to 4 October in Tarragona PROGRAM
Application of artificial intelligence in animal health monitoring

New webinar on the application of artificial intelligence in animal health

The Subdirectorate General for Innovation and Digitalisation has organised a new webinar of the Observatory of the Digitalisation of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector . With this event, it resumes its series of webinars after the summer break, addressing key issues related to digitalisation in the agri-food sector. The Digitalization Observatory is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) in collaboration with the Cajamar Cooperative Group , and is developed thanks to the Next Generation funds from the European Union . The next webinar, entitled "Application of artificial intelligence in animal health monitoring" , will be held virtually on September 25 , from 12:00 to 14:00 . It will delve into the applicability of artificial intelligence systems for monitoring and controlling health in livestock farms, exploring new opportunities to improve efficiency and sustainability in the sector. This event is a unique opportunity for all those professionals interested in the digital transformation of the agricultural sector. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Estimating methane emissions from calves

BEEFMETALIST: Estimation tool for enteric methane emissions from calves

Technical conference for the presentation of the DEMO project “BEEFMETALIST – Tool for estimating enteric methane emissions from fattening calves”. Beefmetalist is a practical tool for calculating ruminal methane emissions from fattening calves in our production system using methane meters installed on a commercial farm and a "calculator" application. Gaining competitiveness against environmental taxes The impact of providing these tools is the ability to have more data and knowledge about enteric methane emissions in fattening calves in order to implement nutritional or management strategies that reduce these emissions , while gaining competitiveness against a potential environmental tax . PROGRAM
Sustainability in the dairy sector on akisplatform

Presentation of an INLAC report on sustainability in the dairy sector

The report “ What matters is milk: Roadmap for a dairy sector that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable ” will be presented on July 4 in Madrid. Promoted by the Interprofessional Láctea ( InLac ), the study has been coordinated by Professor Manuel Laínez Andrés and lays the foundations for a more sustainable future for the Spanish dairy sector, highlighting global environmental sustainability objectives, aligned with the European strategy “From farm to table”. It also includes commitments to progress and a set of indicators to quantify them. To give visibility to the initiatives that are already being carried out in the sector to promote sustainability, a spot called “ Sustainable without knowing it ” has been created, which will be shown during the day, as part of a new communication campaign by the interprofessional. The event will bring together a large number of stakeholders from the dairy sector, from suppliers of raw materials for animal feed to livestock farmers, members of leading cooperatives and the processing industry. José Miguel Herrero, Director General of Food at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), is expected to participate in the opening of the event, which will end with the round table “Sustainability in the dairy sector: one step further”, moderated by Fernando Moraleda, Director of the Food Office of LLYC. PROGRAM
Image from the 2nd International Congress on Cattle
Congreso Internacional de Vacuno

II International Congress on Cattle

In-person and online congress where technicians and farmers will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the image that society has of the beef cattle sector and what levers should be activated to reverse preconceived ideas. Streaming of the Congress PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION | CONTACT:

International Fair for Animal Production, FIGAN

The International Fair for Animal Production exhibits innovation, development and technology, the epicenter of an event that, edition after edition, has become the reference for professionals and companies, who see FIGAN as the best setting for the presentation of their products. equipment and products Detailed information => Technical sheet