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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias

IV Meeting on quality, food safety and the environment, Alcázar de San Juan (CR)

GENERAL OBJECTIVES Learn about success stories in the certification of sustainability systems and how to communicate our commitment to obtain tangible benefits. Know the requirements for packaging labeling according to the Packaging Regulations. Learn about the Biomethanization Plan of Castilla-La Mancha and the opportunities it offers for agri-food companies RECIPIENTS Technical staff of cooperatives and agri-food companies. Quality managers and managers Export sales and technical experts
Fraga technical conferences

VII AGROCISTUS 2024 Technical Conference

The VII AGROCISTUS Technical Conference will take place on December 4 in Fraga (Huesca)
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco

Trufforum Teruel 2024

Trufforum is an international cooperation initiative, conceived and promoted by the European Mycological Institute ( EMI ), which was created with the aim of promoting the responsible use of the European truffle in domestic and professional kitchens. Having become an international reference meeting in the truffle sector, Trufforum is held annually with the aim of giving maximum diffusion to the values and culture of the truffle. Whether you are passionate about truffles or have never had contact with them, you are in the best place to learn everything you need and enjoy one of the most iconic products of world gastronomy. Don't miss the opportunity to dive with us into the depths of the earth to discover everything about truffles. Welcome to Trufforum!
Digital Transformation
Oficina Acelera pyme Diputación de Burgos

Digital transformation in the agri-food sector

The agriculture of the future is here! Join our digitalisation workshop in the agri-food sector and discover how to implement technological tools that will transform every stage of your production. What will you learn? Guidance systems : efficiency and precision in the field. Connectivity : manage your farm from anywhere. Documentation : control and improve the traceability of your tasks. Automation : save time and effort. Isobus system : connect your equipment, regardless of the brand. Data-driven decision making – Create prescription maps to maximize performance. If you are part of the agri-food sector, this is your opportunity to modernize your processes and move towards more efficient and sustainable agriculture.
Plataforma Tierra

Improving water use efficiency in avocado cultivation in Andalusia using digital tools and precision agriculture. GO IRRIGATE-DSS

IN-PERSON session in which we will present the IRRIGATE-DSS Operational Group, which aims to develop a digital tool for the management of avocado irrigation in Andalusia according to water availability.
Agri-food sustainability
Portal TecnoAgricola

Renowagro 2024

The objective of the RENOWAGRO meetings is to present, on behalf of all the agents involved in the agri-food sector, the challenges and opportunities that this sector faces in the era of sustainability , and how the vision of the circular bioeconomy in the management of organic resources can allow for greater economic, environmental and social profitability for the sector and the economy in general. The event has become a benchmark space where best practices and the latest innovations that impact the sustainability of the sector are shared, not only from an environmental perspective, but also from an economic and social one.
Fruit Growing Days in La Rioja event poster
Gobierno de La Rioja

XXXVIII Fruit Growing Conference of La Rioja

Program: 09.15 h Opening and welcome ceremony. Yolanda Preciado Moreno. Mayor of Alfaro. 09.30 h Pear rootstocks for efficient production in the face of current problems: rising costs and climate change. Dr. Ignasi Iglesias. Technical & Development Manager at Agromillora. 10.15 a.m. Comparison of dryland cultivation of self-rooted almond trees versus traditional cultivation. Carlos Marzo. INTIA researcher. Government of Navarra 10.45 a.m. Varietal innovation and breeding methods in apple trees. Albert von Sontagh. Feno Kons. GmbH/Scarl. 11.30 a.m. Coffee break 12.15 h The Food Chain Law in the fruit sector. José Ignacio Fernández Alcázar. Head of the Food Chain and Statistics Department. Government of La Rioja. 12.45 h Training systems and their management to reduce costs and improve quality in pear trees. Antoni Monturiol. Fruiture Advisors. 13.30 h Discussion and questions. Moderated by: Juan Antonio Elguea Blanco. Crop Protection Section Technician. Government of La Rioja. 14.00 h Closing ceremony. Noemí Manzanos Martínez. Regional Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Affairs and the Environment. Open event, no prior registration required.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

The path to digitalisation within the CAP-27 framework

Digitalisation in the agricultural sector is a crucial challenge, especially for a wide range of small and micro-sized agricultural companies (SMEs), as well as for the state administration, which must coordinate with the Autonomous Communities and the European Union. In this context, the event will analyse the challenges and opportunities posed by digitalisation within the legislative framework of the CAP-27 and the Nature Restoration Law , including aspects such as the Digital Exploitation Notebook (CUE) and its integration with the databases managed by FEGA in Spain. The event will bring together experts from the administration and private companies who will share their experiences in the development of technological solutions for connectivity and data management. After the presentations, there will be a round table where attendees will be able to interact directly with the professionals.
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón

Agriculture of the future: Robotics and new solutions for the agri-food sector

The Aragonese Cluster of Agricultural and Livestock Production Means (CAMPAG) and the Technological Institute of Aragon ITA, are pleased to invite you to the Dialogue on “Agriculture of the future: Robotics and new solutions for the agri-food sector ”. We will explore future technologies and solutions for the agri-food sector, with a focus on robotics and automation. We will discuss trends, current business needs and market expectations.
Illustration of a field in the Phos4Cycle project
Gobierno de La Rioja

Conference on sustainable management and soil quality, within the framework of the Phos4Cycle project

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural World and Environment of the Government of La Rioja organizes the Sustainable management and soil quality conference, within the framework of the European project " Phos4Cycle. Monitoring of phosphates in agricultural and livestock activities for the sustainable use of soil and water, of the Interreg Sudoe program ". The Phos4Cycle project aims to develop a common strategy and action plan for the management of phosphates associated with agricultural and livestock activity in rural areas. Among the strategies evaluated in the project is the application of biochar in different crops. The use of biochar has been increasing in recent years due to the environmental benefits attributed to it. This conference will discuss how the application of biochar affects soil quality and carbon dynamics, as well as experiences of its use in different crops. Attendance is in person and registration is required. For any questions or clarifications, please contact us at . PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION
Annual Conference Poster November 2024

10th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments

10th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments , organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Registration will open in Summer 2024. 10th Annual EU Conference on EAFRD Financial Instruments organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Registration will open during summer 2024.
phytosanitary products
Asesores de Aragón

VIII Technical Forum on Plant Health. 40 years of plant health

The Plant Health and Certification Service is the technical unit that carries out the functions of control and certification of seeds and nursery plants, the management of surveillance and control plans for plant pests and diseases, the marketing and use of phytosanitary products and their evaluation, and technical advice to the production sector on plant health and seed production.
Avocados in organic farming
AgroCabildo Tenerife

Visit to an organic avocado farm

Training activities. Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Tenerife Island Council.
Plant Health
Portal TecnoAgrícola

VIII Technical Forum on Plant Health

The VIII Technical Forum on Plant Health organized by the Center for Plant Health and Certification will take place on November 28 in the Auditorium of the Mediterranean Agricultural Institute of Zaragoza
Results obtained in the study of fertigation in strawberry, raspberry and blueberry crops. Campaign 23/24

Technical Conference “Results obtained in the study of fertigation in strawberry, raspberry and blueberry crops. Campaign 23/24”

Technical Conference "Results obtained in the study of fertigation in strawberry, raspberry and blueberry crops. Campaign 23/24" (IFAPA Huelva, November 28, 2024) in which the book " Strawberry varieties in Huelva: a century of history (1923-2023)" will also be presented.
expo agritech congress poster

Consulting for the digitalization of the agri-food sector, at Expo AGRITECH 2024

As part of the celebration of Expo Agritech 2024 in Malaga, on the 27th at 1:15 p.m. the round table "Advice for the digitalization of the agri-food sector" will take place in the central auditorium. The aim is to present the various advisory tools for the digitalisation of the agri-food sector. This round table will assess their status and share outstanding experiences in digitalisation advice. Maite Ambrós Mendioroz , Deputy Director General of Innovation and Digitalisation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, will moderate this session in which the following will also participate: Zheni Valerieva Zhivkova Todorova. Smart Agro - Hyperplan. Ametic Victoria Eugenia Sanchez Fuentes. Director of the Digital Innovation Hubs Support Program. EOI Ricardo Alarcón Roldan. Programme and Reports Advisor at the General Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Food. Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development. Regional Government of Andalusia. Manuel Laínez Andrés. Director of the Cajamar Foundation. Alberto García Carmona. Head of Taxation and Digitalisation. Spanish Wine Federation.
First Meeting of participants in the Cultiva program

Knowledge transfer, the protagonist at the 1st National Meeting of participants in the Cultiva program

The 1st National Meeting of Young People and Hosts participating in the Cultiva Program will take place in Madrid on November 27. This program promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food provides young people from rural areas with access to on-site training, guided by the managers of model farms, examples of good practices and the implementation of innovation in the sector. In order to bring together the participants of the CULTIVA Programme (young people, hosts of model farms and management entities) from the 2020 to 2023 editions, and to create a network among all of them to discuss this initiative and the generational change in the agricultural sector, this meeting will take place, which will include discussion panels and activities that promote the exchange of experiences. REGISTRATION until Friday, November 15th.

IV National Congress on Groundwater Irrigation

IV National Congress on Groundwater Irrigation , a crucial event that will bring together irrigators and technicians from various regions of Spain, including Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Aragon and Castilla y León. This conference will address important issues related to the management and sustainable use of groundwater, highlighting the need for an informative and constructive debate. The central theme of the event will be a series of presentations by experts in the field.

Informative sessions on innovation and the future of pigeon production.

To address key issues in pigeon breeding, we will have the participation of an animal health expert from the University of Valladolid (UVA), who will share key knowledge on maintaining optimal health in birds and the facilities necessary to guarantee animal welfare and production efficiency. In addition, producers who are already engaged in this activity will present their experiences and the main challenges they face on a daily basis, providing a realistic view of the sector. Finally, the role of catering as a driver of demand for pigeons will be analysed, highlighting the interest in this product in local gastronomy and its potential as a differentiating element in the culinary offering of the region.
Country Fair 4.0
Expo Agritech

Expo Agritech: the 4.0 Countryside Fair, in Malaga next November

From November 26 to 28, 2024 , the first edition of Expo Agritech will take place in Malaga, which is presented as the first 4.0 Field Fair due to its specific focus on the implementation of new technologies in agriculture . Expo Agritech 24 will feature a mixed format that includes an exhibition area, various congresses and technical conferences, and other networking and awards events. As regards the exhibition part, it will showcase the technologies that are already transforming new generation farms. And in the congress area , the following are already planned: 5 vertical forums. Olive growing, Wine and vine, Horticulture, Fruit trees and extensive crops. 4 professional summits. Farm owners, agricultural engineers, cooperatives, designations of origin. 2 Professional workshops. CAP management, sustainability and soil regeneration. Competition for entrepreneurs in the agricultural and agri-food sectors The meeting in Malaga will also host the AgriTech Startup Forum entrepreneurship competition , with the aim of being the national showcase for emerging companies that are revolutionising processes, models and techniques in the agri-food industry through innovation. To this end, AgriTech Startup Forum has opened its call for applications to receive technological proposals from emerging talent that have managed to transform the agricultural sector. Startups can participate by presenting their cutting-edge solutions based on: Sensorization IoT Remote sensing Biofertilizers Biosecurity Crop mapping Automation Connectivity AI & Data Drones Smart irrigation Biotechnology Supply chain Weather monitoring Detection of diseases, among others. The organization plans to bring together more than 8,000 professionals from the agricultural sector in search of the latest innovations in management systems, machinery, equipment, post-harvest, greenhouses, energy, food safety, technology centers, biotechnology, and especially the latest technology for quality, sustainability and productivity. CONGRESS AGENDA 4.0 | INNOVATION AWARDS | START UP FORUM