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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
event poster

Predicting vineyard water needs for sustainable use of irrigation water

The supra-regional Operational Group PRERIVID has organised a technical dissemination day that will take place in a hybrid format (in person and online via Microsoft Teams) on 11 March. PROGRAM | IN-PERSON REGISTRATION | ONLINE REGISTRATION
go4sheep logo

GO CG4SHEEP: DEMO DAY. Federated data cloud platform with artificial intelligence layer for genetic and reproductive improvement of national dairy sheep

Conference to disseminate the results of GO 4SHEEP, aimed at digitalisation and innovation in order to improve reproduction and fertility through the processing and digitalisation of data processing with artificial intelligence. The following issues will be addressed: R1: SHEEP CLOUD. DEVELOPMENT OF SECURE FEDERA PLATFORM BASED ON DATALAKE WITH ARTIFCIAL INTELLIGENCE: Gradiant R2: MIR DATA ANALYSIS AND BODY CONDITION TO EVALUATE IMPROVEMENTS IN FERTILITY: Agrama R3: DATA ANALYSIS OF REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF MALES BASED ON JUMPING RHYTHM: Assafe R4: DATA ON REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF MALES AND FERTILITY OF LAMBS BASED ON FEEDING: Confelac R5: FERTILITY DATA ANALYSIS BASED ON IMPROVED SEMEN VIABILITY: Agrama R6: DATA ANALYSIS FOR STALLION SELECTION: Assafe

Digital technological innovations to improve the commercial competitiveness of extensive livestock farming and promote short distribution circuits

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The fourth of these talks focuses on the E-LocalHUB Operational Group. Digital technological innovations to improve the commercial competitiveness of extensive livestock farming and promote short distribution circuits. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Teresa Antoñanzas, RFEAGAS technical department. 12:10 : From the Field to the Screen: Opportunities and challenges of e-commerce for our breeds – Jose M. Perea (UCO) and Fernando Lianes (Teckpyma). 12:30 : Native breeds on labels: A gateway to responsible consumption – Rosa Díez, Deputy Director General of Livestock Production Resources at MAPA. ZOOM LINK

Precision livestock farming to increase sustainability and resilience in extensive farms of native breeds

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The third of these talks focuses on the SMARTFARMRANI Operational Group. Precision livestock farming to increase sustainability and resilience in extensive farms of native breeds. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Teresa Antoñanzas, RFEAGAS technical department. 12:10 : Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of heifers on extensive farms – Lola Buendía, researcher at the Cajamar Experimental Station. 12:30 : A practical approach to measure the resilience of livestock farms – Daniel Martín Collado and Alicia Prat Benhamou, researchers at CITA de Aragón. ZOOM LINK

Development of an economical MD Chip for affiliation, disease diagnosis, genomic selection in PRE and digital tools for its use

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The second of these talks focuses on the Equigenom Task Force. Development of an economical MD Chip for parentage, disease diagnosis, genomic selection in PRE and digital tools for its use. The planned program is as follows: 12:00 : Presentation of project objectives – Juan Mª Gallardo, technical director of RFEAGAS. 12:10 : Genomics: The hidden language of DNA – Arancha Rodríguez Sainz de los Terreros, technical director of the PRE Horse Genealogical Book. 12:30 : Applications and advantages of genomics in the equine sector – Pedro Azor, technical deputy director of the PRE Horse Stud Book. ZOOM LINK
cows grazing in the field

Technological improvement in extensive cattle production in Spain

The Royal Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations (RFEAGAS) has launched the Innovation Week , an initiative that will take place from January 27 to 30 in virtual format through the Zoom platform and that will have different sessions scheduled at 12:00 noon. The purpose of this event is to present the progress and results of the Supra-autonomous Operational Groups in which the Royal Federation participates and, therefore, the programme includes the presentation of these groups, as well as presentations by experts in innovation and a round of questions open to attendees. The first of these talks focuses on the BOVIEX 4.0 Operational Group and is entitled Technological Improvement in the Production of Extensive Bovine Livestock in Spain . The programme is as follows: 12:00 Presentation of project objectives , by Juan Mª Gallardo, technical director of RFEAGAS. 12:10 Extensive cattle farming: Keys to sustainable well-being , presented by Marta Elena Alonso, professor at the Department of Animal Production at the University of León. 12:30 Remote sensing to characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of pastures , with Julio Villodre, PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from AgriSat Iberia. The day will conclude with a round of questions to encourage the exchange of ideas and perspectives. ZOOM LINK

State of robotization in the agri-food sector. Session II

The second session of the webinar "State of robotization in the agri-food sector" will take place on January 14, organized by the Digitalization Observatory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The objective of this webinar is to learn about the state of robotization in greenhouse agriculture, as well as to discuss the current reality of this issue, its benefits and challenges, and the future prospects for its mass adoption. In addition, success stories and the most recent technological advances that are driving this transformation in the agricultural sector will be analyzed. State of robotization in greenhouse agriculture José Carlos Moreno Úbeda, Professor at the University of Almería, will open the session with the presentation "Robotization in greenhouse agriculture" and, after his intervention, the round table "What is the reality of robotization in greenhouse agriculture?" will take place, in which Ramón Gil Pérez, director of the Cajamar experimental station, will act as moderator. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION LINK TO SESSION I VIDEO (held in November 2024)
agricultural robot

The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture

Online seminar organized by Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno, researchers at the CAR CSIC-UPM, and Constantino Valero, professor at the ETSIAAB, The online seminar ' The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture' will feature international speakers who will present work and applications of modeling using artificial intelligence, sensors and robotics in agriculture. The seminar is organized by Constantino Valero , professor of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB), in collaboration with Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno , researchers at the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR CSIC-UPM) . It is aimed at the entire university community, and in particular, at students of the Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Master's Degree in Precision Agriculture and Double Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Precision Agriculture. This is a free online seminar that can be followed via this link (Meeting ID: 867 8969 6088). PROGRAM 16:30 - 16:45: Hugo Moreno, PhD and Dionisio Andujar, PhD, CAR CSIC-UPM. (Spain). 'Introduction to AI and Robotics in PA' 16:45 - 17:15 : Gerassimos Peteinatos, PhD, ELGO DIIMITRA (Greece). ' New trends in arable crops' 17:15 - 17:45 : Nikolaos Katsenios, Agricultural University of Athens, (Greece). 'The importance of PA in arable crops' 17:45 - 18:15: Manuel Vázquez-Arellano PhD, Gent University, (Belgium). 'Crops Robotics: from PhD to entrepreneurship. A case of spin-off' 18:15 - 18:45 : Christian Rueda-Ayala, MsC, INIA, (Spain). 'AI Agril: Rapid development of solutions for Precision Agriculture' 18:45 - 19:15 : Open debate.
EU Agrifood Days

The second edition of the EU Agri-Food Days is coming in December 2024!

From 10 to 12 December 2024 , Brussels will host the second edition of the EU Agri-Food Days . This annual event brings together key players in the agri-food sector from across the European Union to discuss the latest trends in agriculture, policy options and market developments, as well as the impact of research, innovation and digital technologies on the future of European agriculture. Over three days, the event will provide a unique platform for dialogue between stakeholders in the agri-food system, civil society, academia and policy makers. EU Agri-Food Days Programme The future of agriculture and food in the EU. Farmers' perspectives on modern agriculture. Position of farmers in the food value chain. Agricultural market outlook in the EU. Sustainable competitiveness and trade policies for food sovereignty. Research, innovation and digitalisation in the agri-food sector. Challenges and opportunities for young farmers. Practical information: Dates: December 10 - 12, 2024. Location: Brussels, Belgium. Live streaming: available without prior registration. Organizer: EU Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development. Social media: Follow the event with the hashtag #EUAgriFoodDays . This event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the current and future challenges of the European agri-food sector, and how policies such as the CAP and the European Green Deal can help build a greener, fairer and more competitive agriculture.

Incentive programs for industrial development and business R&D&I projects in Andalusia TRADE

The Andalusian Government, through the Business Agency for Economic Transformation and Development, Andalucía TRADE , has launched a new incentive programme aimed at boosting economic activity in the autonomous community by encouraging industrial research and experimental development projects, investment projects for the growth and improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs and small business start-up projects. The aim of this event is to inform Andalusian companies about the content of the different lines of action contemplated by this business incentive programme, as well as to help SMEs prepare their projects in order to facilitate access to these incentives, based on experience on issues specific to calls for aid and through advice and practical aspects to take into account in the processing.

European partnerships: an opportunity for the agri-food sector

The co-funded European Partnerships are associations of national and regional R&D funders, research organisations and the European Commission. Their mission is to promote the advancement of science in specific sectors. Several partnerships have been launched in the field of agri-food, including FutureFoodS and Agroecology . One of its activities is to launch calls for funding for R&D&I projects in the agri-food sector through which both public and private institutions can obtain funding to participate in international R&D&I projects . Join us on Friday, November 29, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. , for an online event where the latest developments in these partnerships will be explained, as well as the conditions and requirements for Spanish institutions to participate in the first call for FutureFoodS and benefit from its financing grants. Join us via Teams:
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias

VIII SIGCEX Conference: Field notebook and digital solutions to climate change

On Tuesday, November 26, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España is organizing the eighth SIGCEX Conference, entitled 'Field notebook and digital solutions to climate change'. This session is aimed at the technical services of cooperatives that have already completed training in SIGCEX (Cooperative Geographic Information System for Farms), the staff of federations, as well as any other federated cooperative interested in participating in the C3-SIGCEX system that has not had the opportunity to complete the training until now. During the event, which will be held online, representatives of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) will explain the regulatory situation and clarify doubts about the incentives for the voluntary use of the digital notebook. Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España will explain the implementation of the C3-SIGCEX cooperative field notebook, the progress and the current status of the project. PROGRAM: 10:00 a.m. Regulatory situation and incentives for the voluntary use of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) digital notebook. 10:30 a.m. Implementation of C3-SIGCEX, progress and status of the Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain project. 11:00 a.m. News from the Hispatec Cooperative Field Notebook. 11:30 a.m. SIGCEX and Climate Change ESR.
Digitalization Observatory

Webinar - Robotization in outdoor agriculture

From the Observatory of Digitalization of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector , you are invited to the first session of a series of webinars on the State of Robotization in the Agri-Food Sector. The Observatory of the Digitalisation of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector is a project promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) in collaboration with Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, developed so far with EU Next Generation funds. The title of the webinar for this first session is Robotization in outdoor agriculture and it will be held virtually on November 25 from 12:00 to 13:30 . The objective of this webinar is to learn about the state of robotization in outdoor agriculture, as well as to discuss the current reality of this issue, its benefits and challenges, and future prospects for its mass adoption. In addition, success stories and the most recent technological advances that are driving this transformation in the agricultural sector will be analyzed. We encourage you to follow the webinar and give it as much publicity as possible. The following link contains the program and access to registration: Observatory Events ( Event program:
digitalization of irrigation communities

Digitalization of irrigation communities

On October 24, the online event "Digitalization of irrigation communities" will be held, a key meeting to address the challenges and opportunities that technology offers to the agricultural sector. This event, aimed at agricultural professionals and representatives of irrigation communities, aims to show the advantages of implementing digital tools to optimize water management and improve efficiency on farms. Experts in applied technology for the agricultural sector will offer talks on the use of sensors, management software and monitoring platforms that allow for more precise and sustainable control of water in crops . In addition, success stories will be presented from irrigation communities that have already integrated digital solutions into their systems, managing to reduce costs and increase productivity. The event will also include a Q&A session where participants will be able to interact with the speakers and resolve specific questions about digitalisation . The event is a unique opportunity to discover the latest innovations in the field of water management and learn how to apply them practically in everyday life. REGISTRATION

III Congress on Sustainable Soil Management

Promoted by the Spanish Association of Agronutrient Manufacturers (AEFA) and Inter-Company Conferences , this congress focuses its content on the technology and efficient management of this resource, which can be considered the one that offers the greatest potential to increase yields and improve the quality of crops . The event will feature the participation of top-level experts in subjects related to: Fertilization. Soil study. Digital tools. Reduction of tillage. Development of new biostimulant products. Current regulations regarding soil care and protection. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Agrotech Campus

Agrotech Campus

The 100% online event Agrotech Campus will be held on October 1 and 2. This event is an excellent opportunity to learn how technological innovation is revolutionizing the agricultural sector, generating new opportunities and challenges for future agricultural leaders. Registration is free. What does Agrotech Days offer? Learn about the latest trends: Emerging technologies that are transforming agriculture will be presented, from drones and smart sensors to artificial intelligence and big data. Explore career opportunities: The agricultural industry is increasingly demanding more trained professionals, and this event will show how to be part of this transformation. Connect with experts: Industry leaders, innovators and experts will share their experiences and insights on the future of agriculture. Participate in interactive workshops: Attendees will be able to improve their skills through workshops designed to delve deeper into Agriculture 4.0 and its application in the real field. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Webinar on i2Connect project results

Webinar on the results of the i2Connect project: "Tomorrow".

After 5 years of duration, and as a culmination of the project, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has organized a webinar to share with the agri-food and forestry sector the main results of the i2connect project: Connecting advisors. Promoting interactive innovation in agriculture and forestry, which has been financed with Horizon 2020 funds. Support services for agri-food innovation This webinar will discuss the tools developed for training advisors and professionals in the agri-food and forestry sector . In addition, the importance of project continuity through Innovation Support Services will be mentioned. The MAPA, through its participation, has sought to promote interactive innovation with various actions and activities within it. This will be an event in which European i2connect partners from different countries will participate, who will try to share their vision of interactive innovation, good practices and how to actively promote it. Webinar programme with the results of the i2Connect project 10.00. Introduction. Natalia Catalina Barral. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA). 10.05-10.15. MAPA participation in i2connect. Juan Pedro Romero Trueba. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA). 10.15-10.25. Interactive innovation. Innovation through operational groups and innovative projects . María Dolores Sierra Díaz. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) 10.25-10.35. Training for Innovation Support Services. Link between i2connect and ATTRACTISS. Nicolás Aranda Pérez. International Agri-Food Campus of Excellence (Ceia3). 10.35-10.45. Acting as ISS. Technological mentoring for operational groups. Inés Echeverría Goñi. National Centre for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA). 10.45-10.55. Training of Advisors. Training of trainers (TTT). Yaite Cuesta Arenas (ZLTO). Netherlands. Rest. 11.00-11.10. Knowledge transfer in Ireland and results from the i2Connect project. Edgar García Manzanilla. Agricultural and Food Development Authority (TEAGASC). Ireland. 11.10-11.20. Contribution of i2connect to rural development: the Italian case. Maria Valentina Lasorella. Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy (CREA-PB). Italy. 11.20-11.30: Review of the training provided by INTIA in “Interactive Innovation”. Ángel Malumbres Montorio and Patxi Xabier Lazkanotegi Muxika (INTIA). 11.30-11.40. Training opportunities offered by CECRA. Pablo Asensio. State Academy of Leadership for Food, Agriculture and Forestry ( FUEAK). Germany. 11.40-11.50. Drivers of development: interactive innovation and networking in i2connect. Good...
Presentation of the new supra-regional aid for training and information in the digital transition of the agri-food and forestry sector

Presentation of the new supra-regional aid for training and information in the digital transition of the agri-food and forestry sector

The School of Industrial Organization (EOI) will host the 3rd Conference to present the new grants that were announced on August 6 to stimulate learning and exchanges between regions and strengthen the Knowledge and Innovation System in Agriculture, known by its acronym in English as AKIS. Supra-regional aid for the exchange of knowledge and training and information activities aimed at the agri-food sector The event will take place on Thursday 5 September at 10am . During this session, interested entities will be able to receive detailed information about the call from ministry officials and resolve their queries directly in a subsequent online work session. The session can be followed live on the EOI YouTube channel. The MAPA publishes this call for supra-regional aid for the exchange of knowledge and training and information activities aimed at the agri-food and forestry sector , framed within the rural development pillar of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027. MORE DETAILS

Infoday Digital Europe Program

The Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service is organizing a Virtual Infoday on the Digital Europe Program . The event will take place on July 23 at 10:30 a.m. through the attached Teams link. The event will provide a detailed overview of the upcoming funding opportunities offered by the Programme, facilitating digital transformation in Europe. Additionally, there will be a presentation by the CDTI in which the Synergies between the Horizon Europe programs and the Digital Europe Program will be discussed. No pre-registration is required for the event. PROGRAM | EVENT LINK ON TEAMS
Robotics in agriculture

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Agriculture: AgrifoodTEF project

On July 10 at 10:30 a.m. at La Vega Innova , the Digital Innovation Center for the Agri-Food Sector of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food located in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid), the event Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Agriculture: AgrifoodTEF project will be held. Throughout the day, the Spanish node of the European AgriFoodTEF project will be presented, with details about the Spanish satellite participating in the project, along with other innovative projects that apply artificial intelligence in different subsectors of the agri-food sector. The entire event will be broadcast live on streaming and can be followed live on La Vega Innova's YouTube channel: 📺 Isabel Bombal, Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain, will open the conference. AI and robotics in agriculture and livestock in Spain Following the presentation of the Spanish Satellite of the AgrifoodTEF Project and other innovative projects that take advantage of the benefits of AI, a panel of experts will discuss the potential of AgrifoodTEF and other AI projects to respond to the acceleration needs in data agriculture and robotics in the agricultural and agri-food business sector in Spain. Among the participants, Raffaele Giaffreda stands out, Coordinator of the European AgrifoodTEF project; Rosa Gallardo , Head of the AgrifoodTEF project at the University of Córdoba (UCO) ; and Maite Ambrós , Deputy Director General of Innovation and Digitalization at the General Directorate of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training of the MAPA . Technologies to accelerate the development process of agri-food products and services In the afternoon, there will be various workshops in small groups to determine how the project can help speed up the development process of products and services in the agri-food companies of the professionals participating in the event. AgrifoodTEF is a project co-financed by the European Commission through the Digital Europe Programme and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION The PRESENTATION can be accessed at the following link And in the next one, the full video of the entire...