The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture
Online seminar organized by Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno, researchers at the CAR CSIC-UPM, and Constantino Valero, professor at the ETSIAAB, The online seminar ' The new agricultural model: robotics and artificial intelligence in sustainable agriculture' will feature international speakers who will present work and applications of modeling using artificial intelligence, sensors and robotics in agriculture. The seminar is organized by Constantino Valero , professor of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB), in collaboration with Dionisio Andújar and Hugo Moreno , researchers at the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR CSIC-UPM) . It is aimed at the entire university community, and in particular, at students of the Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Master's Degree in Precision Agriculture and Double Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Precision Agriculture. This is a free online seminar that can be followed via this link (Meeting ID: 867 8969 6088). PROGRAM 16:30 - 16:45: Hugo Moreno, PhD and Dionisio Andujar, PhD, CAR CSIC-UPM. (Spain). 'Introduction to AI and Robotics in PA' 16:45 - 17:15 : Gerassimos Peteinatos, PhD, ELGO DIIMITRA (Greece). ' New trends in arable crops' 17:15 - 17:45 : Nikolaos Katsenios, Agricultural University of Athens, (Greece). 'The importance of PA in arable crops' 17:45 - 18:15: Manuel Vázquez-Arellano PhD, Gent University, (Belgium). 'Crops Robotics: from PhD to entrepreneurship. A case of spin-off' 18:15 - 18:45 : Christian Rueda-Ayala, MsC, INIA, (Spain). 'AI Agril: Rapid development of solutions for Precision Agriculture' 18:45 - 19:15 : Open debate.