Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias
V EVOO International Forum Fira de Tots Sants Cocentaina 2025
The Catholic Agricultural Cooperative COOP. V. de Cocentaina , in collaboration with the Fira de Tots Sants, Cocentaina City Council , is organizing the fifth International EVOO Forum, Technical Conference and EVOO Competition. For the fifth consecutive year, this event will bring together the Extra Virgin Olive Oil sector for three days in Cocentaina (Alicante). Interesting technical sessions that include round tables and conferences, showcookings and tastings with the interaction of the public and, as a central activity, the International EVOO Competition, whose prizes will be awarded on the third and last day of the event, Friday, January 31, 2025. These awards are given by the prestigious Official Tasting Panel of the Valencian Community in five categories: three awards in the general category and two special awards: for the best organic EVOO and the best EVOO of the Valencian Community. These awards are completed with the recognition of the organization to different personalities or entities for their work in promoting and defending Extra Virgin Olive Oil. On Wednesday, January 29, the "AOVE in feminine: women protagonists in the cooperative economic model" conference will take place, organized by the Association of Women of Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain (AMCAE) and financed by the MAPA. The Cocentaina Cooperative received the Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain Award in 2021, in the Equal Opportunities category. For more information about the International EVOO Competition and/or the event's activities program: oli@elcomtat.com | 699 019 545