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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Image of fruits and vegetables coming out of a window

Fruit Attraction

Fruit Attraction is the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals. Fruit Attraction has become the reference commercial tool for the WORLDWIDE marketing of fruit and vegetables . Its capacity to promote global exports in the sector makes it the commercial connection point for all the professionals that make up the entire value chain, in addition to having consolidated itself as a framework for innovation in the fruit and vegetable market.
A set of roses


Iberflora is the great professional gardening event . The largest commercial and educational offer within the business of plants, flowers, landscaping, gardening, technology and DIY gardening in the professional calendar of the sector. To consult the event program click here
ifapa conference Promoting Innovation, Sustainability and Added Value in the Agri-Food Sector

First open day “Promoting Innovation, Sustainability and Added Value in the Agri-Food Sector”

The first open day of the 53rd Seminar for Horticultural Technicians and Specialists will be held on September 23rd . It is organized by the Andalusian Institute for Research and Training in Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Organic Production (IFAPA) in collaboration with COITAND and MAPA. The event will take place at the IES El Picacho , in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, and will begin at 10:30 a.m. The programme includes a presentation on premium horticulture and a historical overview of IFAPA in Chipiona, followed by several technical presentations that will address key topics such as: The short digital marketing channel in Andalusia. The registry of operators authorized to issue plant health passports. The agronomic behaviour of zucchini cultivars in Tenerife. Aspects of circular economy and the use of leachates in microalgae production. In addition, the impacts of microplastics in horticulture and their impact on health will be explored, among other topics of interest to the agri-food sector. The day will conclude at 2:00 p.m. after a final block of technical presentations and discussions on agricultural biodiversity. Attendance is free , upon registration. For more information, please contact us by email at:; or by phone at 956.03.46.00. Registration | Program
GreenTech Amsterdam 2024

GreenTech Amsterdam 2024

From 11 to 12 and 13 June 2024, GreenTech Amsterdam will be held at the RAI Amsterdam. It is one of the leading horticultural technology platforms, where industry professionals from around the world come together to connect, network, share knowledge and do business. GreenTech Amsterdam offers visitors a comprehensive exhibition of products and services from the most innovative companies in the field of horticulture.