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Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Second field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Albacete/Valencia

Second field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Albacete/Valencia

The Spanish Association for Conservation Agriculture Living Soils (AEACSV) will hold a second free field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops in September. This event will be held on September 25 at the "Casa Roig" farm, located between Alpera (Albacete) and Ayora (Valencia). The Casa de Roig estate, with 436 hectares, of which 300 are dedicated to extensive crops and the rest to lavender and vineyards with plant cover, is a model to follow in the region. During the day, topics such as soil management, crop rotation, soil cover, nitrogen fertilization and the environmental benefits of these practices will be discussed. The event will include four thematic stations: Station 1: 30 years of direct sowing in dry and irrigated land in Albacete, by Miguel Barnuevo. Station 2: From direct sowing to ground cover, by Vicente Bodas, agricultural director at Agrisat. Station 3: Farmer experiences, from theory to practice, by Juan José Puertas, farmer and farm owner. Station 4: Private sector solutions to support direct seeding eco-regimes. This event is held within the framework of the training agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the AEACSV. Registration is free. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Huesca

Field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops, in Huesca

The Spanish Association for Conservation Agriculture of Living Soils (AEACSV) organizes a free field day on conservation agriculture in extensive crops , with the aim of promoting direct sowing . This event will take place on September 19 in Cuarte (Huesca) , at the Castillo de Orus farm, known for its successful management in direct sowing for more than 21 years. The Castillo de Orus farm, with 800 hectares, of which 640 are dedicated to extensive crops using direct sowing, is a benchmark in the region. During the day, topics such as soil management, crop rotation, soil cover, nitrogen fertilization and the environmental benefits of these practices will be addressed. The event will include four themed stations and a dynamic demonstration of machinery: Station 1: No-tillage and its effects on the soil, by Jesús Ángel Betrán, director of the Agroenvironmental Laboratory of the Government of Aragon. Station 2: Conservation Agriculture, a paradigm shift, by Carlos Molina, AGRACON technician. Station 3: Farmer experiences, challenges and solutions, by Pablo Villamayor, Agricultural Engineer and owner of the farm. Station 4: Private sector solutions to support direct seeding eco-regimes. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Technology to prevent drift from phytosanitary treatments

Workshop on herbicides with Prosulfocarb in cereals (InnovAC-Eco Project)

The Union of Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja (UAGR) has organized a day dedicated to the presentation of the InnovAC-Eco Project , dedicated to studying the presence of phytosanitary residues in olive oils, originating from drifts of applications on other crops, focusing on the herbicidal active ingredient Prosulfocarb. Even if the maximum limits authorized for consumption are not exceeded, their mere presence does represent an impediment to the certification of organic oils , thus reducing their profitability. Technology to prevent drift from phytosanitary treatments Within the framework of this project, a prototype technology capable of detecting product drift in real time has been developed. The work has also served to raise awareness among cereal growers about the drift caused by their treatments. No prior registration is required.

Organic Food Iberia 2023

Celebrate the world of natural and ecological in one place. Discover the new trends in the organic sector. Find the latest in health and wellness, beauty, skincare, textiles, home and cleaning products from all regions of Spain and Portugal. Participate for free in the seminar program and meet the main suppliers and buyers in the sector face to face. We invite independent food retailers and wholesalers, as well as supermarkets and large purchasing departments, public kitchens (schools, hospitals and nursing homes). We also invite food importers and exporters, independent health and nutrition stores, catering restaurants and hotels. Finally, we will invite specialty shops, farm shops, travel caterers, transport hubs and attractions, as well as wine importers.