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Ingeniero agrónomo inspeccionando cultivos de soja
Ingeniera agrónoma inspeccionando crecimiento de plantas en campos de cultivo

Grants and Subsidies

Grants and subsidies are an important financial lever for the sector. You can access information on the latest calls for grants and subsidies according to their scope, the public administration that calls them and the application deadline.

Ayuda / Subvención Fecha inicio y fin Región/Alcance Estado
S8970000 Chair of Agroecology and Agri-Food Quality (UPV) JL Porcuna
indefinitely Comunitat Valenciana Open Call for Submission
Support agreement for the foundation for development and innovation for the modernizing transformation of human capital
indefinitely Comunitat Valenciana Open Call for Submission
Collaboration between the Generalitat and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces. Trade and technical assistance projects 2023
indefinitely Comunitat Valenciana Open Call for Submission
Collaboration agreement between the General Secretariat of Immigration and the Association of Immigrants and Returnees from the River Plate Region for the development of information and advisory actions aimed at returning emigrants
indefinitely Galicia Open Call for Submission
Collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Culture, Education, FP and universities and the Ministry of Economy, Industry. and innovation of the xunta de galicia and a cultural, educ e cient exchange commission between spain and the usa for the fulbright bag program
indefinitely Galicia Open Call for Submission
Extraordinary and temporary aid to cover the price of diesel consumed by agricultural producers in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. 2024.
indefinitely Galicia, Asturias, Principado de, Cantabria, País Vasco, Navarra, Comunidad Foral de, Rioja, La, Aragón, Madrid, Comunidad de, Castilla y León, Castilla - La Mancha, Extremadura, Cataluña, Comunitat Valenciana, Balears, Illes, Andalucía, Murcia, Región de, Ceuta, Melilla, Canarias Open Call for Submission
Aid for digitalisation projects for Madrid SMEs - 2024
indefinitely Madrid, Comunidad de Open Call for Submission
Aid for digitalisation projects for Madrid SMEs - 2023
indefinitely Madrid, Comunidad de Open Call for Submission
Call for innovation checks for 2023 concessions
indefinitely Madrid, Comunidad de Open Call for Submission
Digital vouchers for vulnerable groups mrr-c15.i3 (collaborating entities)
indefinitely Madrid, Comunidad de Open Call for Submission
Authorize a multiannual expenditure of 2,100,000.00 euros from budget item 720007 72300 4400 412108 'pdr feader 2014-2020. advisory services through intia', from the expenditure budget for 2023 and 2024
indefinitely Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Open Call for Submission
Regulatory bases and call for aid for investments in agricultural holdings PEPAC 2023-2027
indefinitely Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Open Call for Submission
Innovative pilot projects for social and labour inclusion pers.mvi-rgi-ii
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Innovative pilot projects for social and labour inclusion pers.mvi-rgi
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Thermal renewable energies in different sectors (mrr)1
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Thermal renewable energies in different sectors (mrr)2
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Energy rehabilitation for existing buildings
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Complementary plan for green energy and hydrogen
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources mrr (1)
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission
Self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources mrr (3)
indefinitely País Vasco Open Call for Submission