RIEGO ALMENDRO Tool Mobile application to consult irrigation recommendations for almond crops in Andalusia … RIEGO ALMENDRO …
RIEGO BERRY Tool Mobile application to consult irrigation recommendations for strawberry, raspberry and blueberry crops in the provinces of Cadiz, Huelva and Seville … RIEGO …
ROPO Tool Official registry of producers and operators of phytosanitary defense means (ROPO) … ROPO …
SIAR APP Tool Mobile application for managing an irrigation program by calculating the water needs and irrigation doses of 104 crops … SIAR APP …
VISUAL APP Tool VISUAL APP allows efficient and profitable planning of field activities such as sowing, harvesting, irrigation, quality control, fertilization, monitoring of phenological states, pest control treatments, among others. … VISUAL …
I National Meeting of Advisors Event The European demands in agricultural policy, which are included in the new CAP and in the strategies derived from the European Green Deal, such as the regulation of the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, give increasing prominence to the figure of …
Madrid Food Innovation Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks MADRID FOOD INNOVATION HUB is the first food entrepreneurship center in Madrid. A pioneering initiative focused on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the entire agri-food value chain. … Madrid Food Innovation …
A scientific study by Ifapa in Malaga identifies specific regions of the strawberry genome to improve its firmness News story A team of researchers from Ifapa in Malaga has identified regions of the strawberry genome that influence its firmness, which has allowed them to develop a molecular marker to select varieties that are 50% firmer more efficiently. The study analysed 124 …
7th edition. QGIS online course applied to Precision Agriculture. Level 1 Training course The course program that we now propose is based on the presentation of a free and open source software known as QGIS. The QGIS program has a series of basic functionalities similar to other GIS programs, but it has very interesting extra functionalities …
Ecological soil management Training course Raise awareness of the complexity of soil as a system and the importance of maintaining its health. Understand the main physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, their interrelation and importance in maintaining its fertility and health. …
Self-sufficient agriculture Training course Show the scheme to follow to move from abandoned or unproductive land to cultivated land that allows self-sufficiency, reducing to a minimum the inputs used in the management of the agrarian system. … Self-sufficient …
Success of the opening day of the SMARTFARMRANI Operational Group News story On December 18, 2024, the Hotel El Milano Real, in Hoyos del Espino (Ávila), hosted the opening day of the SMARTFARMRANI (SFR) Operational Group , focused on the future of extensive livestock farming in Spain. Under the motto “Precision Livestock Farming …
Presentation of the FOSNAT project. Origin of phosphonates in organic crops of economic importance in Andalusia Event The following topics will be addressed in this technical session to present the FOSNAT project: Problems with phosphonates in organic crops. Hypothesis of origin and detection; recent studies. Determination of phosphonates: Methods of analysis Project …