SGA@PP Tool Mobile application for consulting information on files and applications within the framework of Single Applications … SGA@PP …
VISUAL APP Tool VISUAL APP allows efficient and profitable planning of field activities such as sowing, harvesting, irrigation, quality control, fertilization, monitoring of phenological states, pest control treatments, among others. … VISUAL …
YARA IMAGELT Tool Agricultural application designed to measure nitrogen uptake in a crop and generate a nitrogen recommendation from photographs of the crop. In addition to showing the user how much nitrogen to apply for optimal yield and crop quality, imageit provides … …
I National Meeting of Advisors Event The European demands in agricultural policy, which are included in the new CAP and in the strategies derived from the European Green Deal, such as the regulation of the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, give increasing prominence to the figure of …
Applicator of phytosanitary products. Qualified level Training course Contents Crop pests: classification, description and damage they cause. Pest control methods. Importance of non-chemical methods. Means of phytosanitary protection. Strategies and techniques for integrated pest management. Biological control and other …
Applicator of phytosanitary products. Qualified level Training course Contents Crop pests: classification, description and damage they cause. Pest control methods. Importance of non-chemical methods. Means of phytosanitary protection. Strategies and techniques for integrated pest management. Biological control and other …
Advances in the health control of olive groves Event 5-hour course for technical and practical specialisation on the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, pest and disease control and active substances. INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at … Advances in the health …
Main new features for the single application for the CAP Multimedia content We are making the task of farmers and ranchers more flexible and simpler. ????REINFORCED CONDITIONALITY: The Good Agricultural and Environmental Practices (BCAM) that any farmer must comply with in order to receive full direct aid from the CAP, surface …
CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (PEPAC) Multimedia content This video explains that the CAP Network, a platform of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, is part of the system for monitoring compliance with the measures of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC) 2023-2027. The new PEPAC is aimed at achieving …
Plant Health. Operational Groups And Innovative Project Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through regional and national Rural Development Programmes, operational groups and innovative projects that are working on agricultural plant health issues. … Plant Health. Operational Groups And …
Climate Change and Carbon Footprint Reduction. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects on climate change and carbon footprint reduction in Spain and Europe. … Climate Change and Carbon Footprint Reduction. Operational Groups and Innovative …
Plant Health. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in the field of plant health in Spain and Europe. … Plant Health. Operational Groups and Innovative …
Mapping the Agrotech Ecosystem in Spain 2024 Multimedia content The mapping aims to x-ray the existing innovation ecosystem, highlighting its strengths, anticipating new possible needs and inviting the attraction of new innovative projects. … Mapping the Agrotech Ecosystem in Spain …
Valtra Tool Application that allows you to track your machine data remotely wherever you are in the world. … Valtra …