VISUAL APP Tool VISUAL APP allows efficient and profitable planning of field activities such as sowing, harvesting, irrigation, quality control, fertilization, monitoring of phenological states, pest control treatments, among others. … VISUAL …
Madrid Food Innovation Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks MADRID FOOD INNOVATION HUB is the first food entrepreneurship center in Madrid. A pioneering initiative focused on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the entire agri-food value chain. … Madrid Food Innovation …
Irrigation.Operational Groups And Innovative Projects Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through the regional and national Rural Development Programmes, operational groups and innovative projects that are working on irrigation. … Irrigation.Operational Groups And Innovative …
Traceability In The Agri-Food, Livestock, Agriculture And Forestry Sectors Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through Rural Development Programmes, operational groups and innovative projects working on traceability in the agri-food, livestock, agricultural and forestry sectors … Traceability In The …
Marketing in the Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and Agri-Food Industries Sectors. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in the field of marketing in the agricultural, livestock, forestry and agri-food industries in Spain and Europe. … Marketing in the Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and …
Traceability in the Agri-Food, Livestock, Agricultural and Forestry Sector. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in the field of traceability in the agri-food, agricultural, livestock and forestry sectors in Spain and Europe. … Traceability in the Agri-Food, Livestock, Agricultural and …
Irrigation. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in the field of irrigation in Spain. … Irrigation. Operational Groups and Innovative …
Implementation of an innovative water regeneration and fertigation system PHASE 2 Operational group The Axarquía Sostenible operating group focuses on harnessing the potential of regenerated water, reusing it along with nutrients to reduce fertilizer consumption. The project includes a high-quality regeneration system that complies with regulations for …
Vegetative covers in woody crops. Keys to their implementation and development within the framework of the CAP eco-regimes Training course In this two-day, in-person, specialized training course, attendees will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of plant cover in woody crops. Speakers who are experts in the field will present key aspects of how to successfully implement …
Call for participation in the next EU CAP Network workshop dedicated to logistics innovation News story You can register until February 10th. The EU CAP Network has announced the holding of the upcoming workshop “ Logistics innovation to improve the position of farmers in the supply chain” which will focus on innovation and knowledge sharing within the …
Luis Planas: Digitalization and new technologies are necessary for sustainable irrigation in the face of water scarcity News story The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, stressed today that digitalization and the application of new technologies are necessary instruments to achieve sustainable and efficient irrigation systems in a climate change scenario …
The Observatory publishes the update of the study of the value chain of extra virgin olive oil and a report on innovative foods News story The plenary session of the Food Chain Observatory meeting today has continued the analysis of the situation of food prices and consumption, and has approved the update of the study of the value chain of extra virgin olive oil for the 2020/2021 campaign. …
The ITO-FOG Operational Group seeks to improve the quality of olive oil with a software tool and less irrigation News story More boost to rural areas The ITO-FOG Operational Group (GO) studies the yield of olive crops The experiments will allow us to see if the quality of the oil improves with irrigation strategies and if it is affected by deficit irrigation. Olive cultivation …