Biocides for livestock use Training course The course is aimed at the “ responsible person ” referred to in article 2.e) of Royal Decree 638/2019: Article 2.e) Person responsible for the application procedure: “will be the person responsible for the validity of the application procedure for the …
ANIMAL WELFARE IN RUMINANT LIVESTOCK FARMS Training course Code: 2023KBG30901 Edition : 1 Municipality : JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA Province: CADIZ Center: IFAPA Rancho de la Merced Center Start date: 05/22/2023 End date: 05/25/2023 Hours : 20 Application deadline: Until 05/07/2023 Contents Knowledge of anatomy, …
Organic Food Iberia 2023 Event Celebrate the world of natural and ecological in one place. Discover the new trends in the organic sector. Find the latest in health and wellness, beauty, skincare, textiles, home and cleaning products from all regions of Spain and Portugal. Participate …
Green Week of Galicia 2023 Event The Abanca Semana Verde de Galicia fair will take place at the Feira Internacional de Galicia ABANCA , the largest exhibition park in the northwest of the peninsula. The venue is located in the town of Silleda , a stone's throw from its reference city, …
International Fair of Intensive Horticultural Production and Auxiliary Industry Event Infoagro Exhibition Spain 2023 is a Fair to show products and services to all agricultural agents. It is an international reference for intensive crops and the place to do business, both for the exhibitor and the farmer. IV Infoagro Spain Fair 2023 => …
International Fair for Animal Production, FIGAN Event The International Fair for Animal Production exhibits innovation, development and technology, the epicenter of an event that, edition after edition, has become the reference for professionals and companies, who see FIGAN as the best setting for the …
FRUIT LOGISTICS Event Leading fair in the world fruit trade: logistics, machinery, technology, "organic route" Detailed information => Program … FRUIT LOGISTICS …
eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by CNTA Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative innovation hub for the transfer and implementation of technology in the agri-food industry … eAtex. Food Innovation Hub by …
DATAlife Hubs, Platforms and networks Space dedicated to research, project generation, training, dissemination and transfer of knowledge related to Artificial Intelligence in Galicia. … …
DAY “PERTE Agri-food, key actions for the digital transformation of the agri-food sector” Event In this online informative day, the degree of implementation of the measures of greatest interest for the digitalization of the agri-food sector will be reported within the framework of the Agri-Food PERTE that was approved on February 8, 2022. DIARY: …
Advances, changes and innovations will take center stage at SEPOR News story The 55th Edition of SEPOR 2022 arrives with a program full of conferences, debates and activities that will once again position the fair as the nerve center of the entire livestock, agri-food and industrial sector in a panorama full of advances, changes …
Sheep and goat pox outbreaks are growing in Andalusia News story The new outbreaks have been detected in two farms located in the Granada towns of Cúllar and Benamaurel, both located in the surveillance radius of the first outbreak. In the first case, Cúllar, the disease has been detected in a facility with 170 sheep …
EFSA recommendations to improve animal welfare during transport News story According to recommendations published by EFSA, it is necessary to provide more space, reduce maximum temperatures and keep travel times to a minimum to improve the welfare of farm animals during transport. EFSA provides its recommendations to the …
Course for maintainer of facilities at risk of Legionella Training course Initial training and renewal Duration and cost: F. Initial: 30 teaching hours. Amount: €440 (rewardable) Renewal: 10 teaching hours. Amount: €220 (rewardable) From FECOAM we will process the course subsidy (TRIPARTITE FOUNDATION) More information by …
Nutrition and health in organic livestock Training course The Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture and Agroecology (SEAE) offers a series of free courses aimed at unemployed people in Extremadura, on various subjects in ECOLOGICAL LIVESTOCK. With the aim of helping to improve the capabilities of more livestock …