Professional User of Phytosanitary Products. Basic Level Training course This course is aimed at all those who wish to acquire the basic skills, which are necessary and mandatory, to handle and apply pesticides for phytosanitary uses. Goals: What are you going to learn? Distinguish between pests and diseases, and know and …
Training for personnel working with pigs - RD 306/2020 (Evaluation) Training course The objective of this course is to acquire the minimum knowledge required by RD 306/2020 and by EU implementing decision 2017/302 in order to be qualified to work on intensive pig farms. Goals: Gain an overview of the characteristics of pig production. …
Training for personnel working in Poultry Farming. RD. 637/2021. Evaluation Training course The objective of this course is to acquire the minimum knowledge required by RD 637/2021 and by implementing decision 2017/302 in order to be qualified to work on poultry farms. Goals: Gain an overview of the characteristics of poultry production. Acquire …
New EUFRAS "Coffee Break" event on advice for short food supply chains Event This year, EUFRAS resumes the COFFEE Break event series started last year, and has already announced its first event of 2025, to be held on 23 January at 10:00 CET via Zoom . This time, the experience of the COREnet project, entitled "Short Food Supply …
Integrated pest management in citrus Training course Goals: To provide students with an update on the current situation in integrated pest management in NS, to reinforce and expand their knowledge. To make students aware of the importance of using the best available techniques in their sector. Contact: …
Management and maintenance of localized irrigation facilities Training course Goals: To provide students with an update on the situation regarding the management and maintenance of localized irrigation. To reinforce and expand knowledge. To make students aware of the importance of using the best available techniques in their …
Fertigation in stone fruit trees Training course Goals: Provide knowledge on fruit tree nutrition at different stages of growth and productive development. Know the characteristics of soil and water. Know the characteristics of the fertilizers used, doses and efficient management of equipment in …
Safe tractor operation Training course Goals: Know the risks associated with tractor handling and thus achieve safe driving and agricultural tasks. Contact: … Safe tractor …
Food & AgriTech Europe (FATE) Hubs, Platforms and networks Association that brings together startups, companies, organizations and Agri&Foodtech professionals from Europe to promote innovation, collaboration and development in this sector … Food & AgriTech Europe …
From June 25 to July 3, registration period for RuralCat distance learning is open News story From June 25 to July 3, 2024, the registration period has opened for the next distance courses scheduled by Rural Cat, which will take place throughout the month of September: BASIC FITO. Basic level courses for manipulator and applicator of phytosanitary …
Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for agri-food products and aromatized wines registered in the European Union (Jun-2024) Multimedia content List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for agri-food products and aromatized wines registered in the European Union. … List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for agri-food …
List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for wines registered in the European Union (Jun-2024) Multimedia content List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for wines registered in the European Union. … List of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications for wines registered in the European Union …
List of protected geographical indications for spirits in the European Union (Jun-2024) Multimedia content List of protected geographical indications for spirits in the European Union. … List of protected geographical indications for spirits in the European Union …
Study of economic and social sustainability of Spanish wine-related DDOOs Multimedia content The report identifies and provides DDOOs (Denominations of Origin) with a practical approach to understand, measure and report the degree of progress achieved by both the regulatory councils and the group of operators registered in their designations of …