Madrid is Science Fair Event The Madrid is Science Fair is a scientific outreach event aimed at school communities and the general public. Madrid is Science is intended as a comprehensive showcase of the R&D+i capabilities of the Community of Madrid for the construction of a …
WOOE. World Olive Oil Exhibition Event The World Olive Oil Exhibition is an international event where you can promote olive oils, position your brand and expand your contact portfolio while maintaining your relevance in the sector. To consult the event dossier click here … WOOE. World Olive …
Gustoko 2024. Quality and origin Event GUSTOKO is a food and gastronomy fair inspired by the agricultural world, which aims to maintain the quality and origin of local products, following artisanal standards in the production processes. We aim to link products and producers to a culture, a …
Transfer Event 13th European Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation is the largest European event on R&D and knowledge transfer Transfiere connects the entire Spanish innovation system and promotes its international projection. Talent, scientific-technological …
Wool selection and classification to improve the competitiveness of small sheep farms (GO SEBASTIANA) Operational group At present, wool is considered a by-product and sheep farmers barely receive any remuneration for it (0.00 € to 0.40 €/animal), which means an additional cost for them for the necessary shearing tasks associated with it (1.5 €/animal). Given this …
New agrovoltaic systems for the intelligent and sustainable production of vines (GO SOLARWINE) Operational group Thanks to the GO SOLARWINE innovation project, it is expected to achieve an energetic and agronomic evaluation of the agrovoltaic system, while increasing the economic benefit for the farm. … New agrovoltaic systems for the intelligent and sustainable …
Marketing of agricultural and food products Training course New concepts of agri-food marketing, products and foods PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 962469860 | Commonwealth of Municipalities Avd. Diputación, 28 46147 Casas Altas, Valencia … Marketing of agricultural and food …
Agrotourism and local development Training course Agrotourism and local development. Agrotourism business ideas and models. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | CEDES C. Via Augusta s/n, 12194, Vall D'Alba, Castellón … Agrotourism and local …
Improvement and marketing of agri-food and agrotourism Training course Improvement and marketing of agri-food and agrotourism. New marketing concepts. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | Glorieta Building Calle Fray Bonifacio Ferrer 3, 12400 Segorbe, Castellón … Improvement and …
Presentation of the ECREA 2.0 interactive report News story The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food presents the new version of the tool for Studies of costs and incomes of agricultural holdings (Ecrea 2.0), designed by the Undersecretariat of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the ministry. This report …
Workshop on new agri-food business ideas Training course Workshop on new agri-food business ideas. Theory and practice PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | House of Culture, Plaza Mayor 2, 12132, Atzeneta del Maestrat, Castellón … Workshop on new agri-food business …
Improving agri-food marketing Training course Improvement of agri-food marketing. New concepts of agri-food marketing. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | CEDES Segorbe, Plaza Almudín 1, 12400, Segorbe, Castellón … Improving agri-food …
Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks Training course Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks. Transform a traditional company. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 966907980 | OCA Villena Calle Poetisa Elena Montiel s/n, 03400, Villena, Alicante … Agri-food digital …
Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks Training course Agri-food digital marketing: internet and social networks. Transform a traditional company PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 964336620 | Oropesa Employment and Local Development Agency, Calle Pío XII 13, 12594, Oropesa, …
Cost control in horticulture Training course Calculation of the initial investment, sizing according to needs, amortization of the investment, budgeting, cost estimates, monitoring, etc. PROGRAM | Garaiko Udaletxea - GARAY - BIZKAIA … Cost control in …