Sunenergy. Water supply through photovoltaic solar energy Operational group Irrigated agriculture is four times more productive than dry land agriculture. However, its viability is conditioned by the efficient and sustainable use of resources, the most important of which are water and energy. In the case of energy, the pumping …
Feasibility study of different alternatives for improving irrigation in the orchards of Guadajoz Operational group The Task Force intends to carry out a feasibility study of different alternatives to improve irrigation in the orchards of Guadajoz. A study will be carried out in the orchard area of the Guadajoz River in the municipalities of Castro del Rio, Baena and …
Big data for smart, sustainable and competitive production (GO AGROALIMENTACIÓN 4.0) Operational group The Task Force was created with the aim of improving the eating habits of consumers through the development of 4.0 strategies based on Big Data. To do so, it will analyse the information provided by consumers and scientific experts about certain foods and …
Design of technological solutions for monitoring the commercial quality of fruit during the logistics cycle (GO TECNIFRUIT) Operational group This Task Force aims to create the architecture of the future data platform. The aim is to establish contacts and advances in the integration of information from devices and machinery from different technology providers, establish strategies to reduce …
Technical market for agricultural and food products Operational group The Task Force proposes the selection of products of interest by producers based on their economic interest and gastronomic potential. … Technical market for agricultural and food …
Conserving the soil Operational group The Operational Group aims to develop a prototype of a seeder that will allow the direct sowing technique to be adapted to different soil and climate conditions of dry and irrigated land. … Conserving the …
Cantabrian grasslands and healthy food with environmental benefits Operational group Operational Group created to design quality production and/or food through management techniques. Results of analyses on the fatty acid profile, carbon and water footprint analysis and profitability: Tasks I. Field work: Sampling for analysis and …
Promoting bean cultivation in Catalonia through innovative preserves for the Mongeta del Ganxet PDO Operational group Ganxet beans are a quality legume that is highly appreciated by consumers, but they are rarely sold in canned form. This is because the techniques used in canning, especially sterilisation, profoundly alter their organoleptic characteristics and make them …
XVI European Poultry Conference Event Professionals from all over the world and expert speakers will present the latest scientific advances in all areas of poultry farming. The Congress will also feature a space for trade exhibitions, as well as satellite conferences for scientific …
II International Congress on Cattle Event In-person and online congress where technicians and farmers will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the image that society has of the beef cattle sector and what levers should be activated to reverse preconceived ideas. Streaming of the Congress …
Demoday StartBec Event Startbec is the MAPA and AINIA programme for the design and implementation of measures to encourage the development of technology-based startups in the field of bioeconomy. The aim is to promote innovative value chains linked to the agri-food sector, …
Agrobank Hub Hubs, Platforms and networks Virtual ecosystem where knowledge can be shared and new tools provided to agricultural professionals. … Agrobank Hub …
Avanis Hubs, Platforms and networks A platform to create connections between people in the agri-food sector to share knowledge, continue learning and grow the sector day by day, making it more competitive, more sustainable and more innovative. … …
Ealia Hubs, Platforms and networks Atitlan Group's agricultural platform specializing in the management and transformation of permanent irrigated crops with the highest standards of sustainability and quality using the latest technologies. … …
Mairu Tool Solution that digitizes agricultural and livestock operations, controls crops, livestock, displays indicators in real time and improves coordination in the field. … …