Avanis Hubs, Platforms and networks A platform to create connections between people in the agri-food sector to share knowledge, continue learning and grow the sector day by day, making it more competitive, more sustainable and more innovative. … …
Ealia Hubs, Platforms and networks Atitlan Group's agricultural platform specializing in the management and transformation of permanent irrigated crops with the highest standards of sustainability and quality using the latest technologies. … …
Mairu Tool Solution that digitizes agricultural and livestock operations, controls crops, livestock, displays indicators in real time and improves coordination in the field. … …
Hectre Tool Farm management software and vision technology to assess color grade and size in the field or warehouse of fruit … Hectre …
Innovations in post-harvest treatments against rice and legume weevils Operational group The project aims to take an important step towards reducing the risk of insect development in post-harvest rice, using a physical technology that leaves no residue. The technology to be developed is based on the industrial application of dielectric …
Futures exchange Operational group The main objective of the Operational Group is to integrate the supply of fish to schools and hospitals and other social groups, as well as commercial catering directly from the primary producer at the optimal time of capture of the species analyzed after …
Innovation and adaptation of PDO oil to new market demands Operational group Creation of an Operational Group to coordinate and structure the project studies: Innovation and adaptation of PDO oil to new market demands. This project aims to reduce the cost of production of extra virgin olive oil with a system of concentration and …
Creation of the Operational Group for the digitalisation strategy in the wine sector Operational group Creation of the Operational Group for the digitalisation strategy in the wine sector …
Creation of the Catalan Agricultural Cooperative Winery Innovation Operational Group (GO ENOCOOP) Operational group Creation of the Catalan Agricultural Cooperative Winery Innovation Operational Group (GO ENOCOOP) …
Tio de Camp: pomace and cold-pressed Camelina oil Operational group An Operating Group has been set up to promote the implementation of a project consisting of a study to characterise two products derived from cold pressing of camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz), which are oil and cake. For this reason, it will be …
Creation of a comprehensive data management platform for the pig sector Operational group For the execution of the project, a GO formed by FECIC and PORCAT has been created. In order to provide guarantees in terms of food safety and quality, it is important that there is a connection between the different records and data that are generated …
Project to implement 4th range in the retail channel Operational group The creation of an Operational Group, formed by Afrucat (which represents the Catalan fruit sector) and several companies in the sector. The group's objective is to draft a 4th range fruit project for the RETAIL channel, to incorporate the 4th range, …
Feasibility of incorporating heather as a marketable forest product Operational group An Operational Group has been established with representation from most of the stakeholders involved in the heather value chain (forest managers, representatives of forest owners, forestry work companies and social entities). In this first phase of the …
Ecodesign of packaging for the marketing of live micro-sprouts (GO MICROPACK) Operational group The MICROPACK project sought to respond to packaging design needs for a new line of business for the company Can Garús, consisting of the marketing of live micro-sprouts. The challenge was to optimise the packaging that was being used to send 8 tubs of …
Innovation project for the use of mycorrhizal fungi in the production of high-value wine in wineries in Castilla y León and La Rioja, in a climate change scenario. (GO MYCOWINE) Operational group The MYCOWINE project aims to innovate in vineyard nutrition to obtain, on the one hand, a higher quality product (grapes and wine) and, on the other hand, more biodiverse soils with greater resilience to the impacts of climate change, thus obtaining new …