Improving wine production through symbiosis with smart agrovoltaics (GO AGROTECHVOLTAICO) Operational group The expected findings for the project are: - Obtaining a phenological model for Tempranillo and Albariño vines in different climatic zones - Obtaining intelligent algorithms capable of adapting the position of solar panels based on the phenological …
Aid associated with almond, hazelnut and carob trees and aid for olive trees Multimedia content Video on aid for almond, hazelnut, carob and olive trees. … Aid associated with almond, hazelnut and carob trees and aid for olive …
Eco-regimes in woody crops (CAP 2023-2027) Multimedia content Video on eco-regimes in woody crops (CAP 2023-2027). … Eco-regimes in woody crops (CAP 2023-2027) …
Eco-regimes in woody crops Multimedia content Ecoregimes in woody crops. … Eco-regimes in woody crops …
Cultivation and processing of Tempranillo grapes in Spain Multimedia content Video about the cultivation and processing of Tempranillo grapes in Spain. … Cultivation and processing of Tempranillo grapes in Spain …
How grapes are harvested in Aranda de Duero Multimedia content Video about how grapes are harvested in Aranda de Duero (Burgos). … How grapes are harvested in Aranda de Duero …
How to manage papaya cultivation under greenhouse Multimedia content Video on the management of papaya crops under greenhouse conditions. … How to manage papaya cultivation under greenhouse …
Blockchain certification of the traceability of extra virgin olive oil from traditional olive groves (AOVE Tradicional) Multimedia content Creation of a blockchain tool that offers consumers confidence and a quality product produced in traditional olive groves and on farms with advice on economics and environmental sustainability. … Blockchain certification of the traceability of extra …
Digitalization of the effect produced by Biostimulant and soil bioregenerators based on microalgae, produced in the same installation of the farmer (ALGAVID) Multimedia content Project focused on the development of an advanced decision support system and the issuance of recommendations in the agricultural field for the dosage of biostimulants based on microalgae, fertilizers and soil correctors incorporated in microalgae and in …
Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector (REBO2VINO) Multimedia content To analyse the feasibility of implementing a glass bottle reuse system in the wine industry at a national level as a sectoral contribution to the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy. … Circular economy for the reuse of wine bottles in the wine sector …
GO VITINNAT. Innovative and sustainable natural solutions for the wine sector. Multimedia content Implementation of effective natural solutions for the control of vine wood diseases in their effect on crop health and productivity as well as on the quality of the grape and the resulting wine. … GO VITINNAT. Innovative and sustainable natural solutions …
GO-OLIVA. Industrial use of olive stones for the production of sustainable products. Multimedia content Incorporation of olive stones as a reinforcement in biodegradable thermoplastics to obtain new plastic compounds suitable for obtaining products and components such as secondary packaging for olive oil. … GO-OLIVA. Industrial use of olive stones for the …
CARBOCERT Task Force. Quantification and Certification of Organic Carbon in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils Multimedia content Establish methodologies that allow for the accounting of the increase in carbon in agricultural soils and in fixed and lasting structures as a result of the application of sustainable agronomic practices. … CARBOCERT Task Force. Quantification and …
Operational Group for the detection and eradication of bitter almonds. Project to improve the competitiveness of the national almond sector. Multimedia content Development of systems that can be used on an agricultural, productive and industrial scale to detect and eliminate bitter almonds. … Operational Group for the detection and eradication of bitter almonds. Project to improve the competitiveness of the …