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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
EATEX transforming innovation into value in the agri-food sector
EATEX Food Innovation Hub by CNTA

Transforming innovation into value in the agri-food sector

A webinar with sector experts who will analyze how innovation generates value in food companies. Participants will be able to explore the main innovation models that the sector is applying and in which areas it impacts. Is it possible to innovate in innovation itself? How does this innovation directly affect the bottom line? In addition, experts will reveal the short-term challenges that the industry faces with respect to innovation. INSCRIPTION
Gourmet lounge

International Fair for Quality Food and Beverages. Gourmet Hall

Professional fair aimed at food distribution, hotels, restaurants, hotels, catering and specialized trade. To consult the Fair dossier click here
logo food for future

Food 4 Future – Foodtech Expo

Food 4 Future World Summit is the largest European conference on innovation technology in the food and beverage industry. A unique platform where you can discover the latest emerging technologies and the most innovative solutions. This is a must-see event for any professional who wants to boost their company to the highest level of competitiveness and innovation. AGENDA | REGISTRATION | BEC – Bilbao Exhibition Center
Pick and pack for industry
Pick & Pack

Pick & Pack for food industry

Unique business platform specialising in the food industry . Thousands of professionals visit Pick&Pack in search of the latest packaging, logistics and intralogistics solutions to boost their food and beverage companies. To consult the program click here
digitalization strategy logo for the agri-food sector
Observatorio de Digitalización del Sector Agroalimentario

Webinar Observatory of the Digitalization of the Spanish Agri-Food Sector

Presentation of the study Analysis of needs and opportunities associated with the digitalization of the Spanish agri-food sector . This is a qualitative study carried out during the first half of 2023 that included the participation of fifty specialists in agri-food digitalization. REGISTRATION | PROGRAM


13th European Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation is the largest European event on R&D and knowledge transfer Transfiere connects the entire Spanish innovation system and promotes its international projection. Talent, scientific-technological development, access to investment and business in a meeting with high potential to generate global alliances and synergies. To consult the program click here
research and development events
Comisión Europea

European Research and Innovation Days

The fifth edition of the European Commission's flagship event European Research and Innovation Days 2024 (Brussels, March 20-21) discusses how we can make Europe greener, fairer and more competitive under a common narrative. The European Research and Innovation Days are an opportunity to discover successful EU-funded research and innovation projects, experience their impact on our society and debate the importance of continuing to invest in research and innovation. On March 21, the topic "A GREENER EUROPE" will be discussed. More information here | PROGRAM | INSCRIPTION
VIII Global Conference on Family Farming
Foro Rural Mundial

VIII Global Conference on Family Farming

VIII Global Conference on Family Farming: Sustainability of our Planet Since its inception, the World Rural Forum has held 8 Global Conferences on Family Farming. These conferences have been attended by hundreds of top-level representatives from governments, international organizations, research centers, organizations of family farmers, cooperatives and NGOs from the 5 continents. The debates generated have served to mark and emphasize priorities for action in favor of family farming, priorities that have been a clear reference at the international level. To consult the Agenda of the VIII Conference click here

ALIMENTARIA. International exhibition of food, beverages and food service

International meeting of professionals in the food, beverage and food service industry based on the key markets in the sector and their consumer trends. AGENDA | BROCHURE
b trabvel

B-Travel. The new tourism show

B-Travel is the largest trade fair event in Spain aimed at the final travelling public, focusing on both B2B and B2C. The main travel agencies, hotels, cruise operators, transport companies and tourist service companies meet here. Public/private collaboration makes visible the full potential of domestic, rural, cultural, wine-food, industrial, active and sustainable tourism in Barcelona, Catalonia and the different autonomous communities of Spain, from weekend getaways to holidays in a nearby, safe and sustainable geographical area. To see the activities click here
Smart Agrifood Summit 2024

Smart Agrifood Summit 2024

Summit on open innovation and digitalisation applied to Food and the Agri-Food Chain. It is a benchmark event in the sector and a meeting point to find partners and increase funding and internationalisation channels, as well as to present new innovative products, services and projects. You can consult the PROGRAM and process your REGISTRATION for the summit. To consult the Summit dossier click here
eu cap network

Circular water management

The EU CAP Network workshop 'Circular water management' will take place in Seville (Spain) on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 March 2024. This event will be dedicated to bringing together innovation actors to share innovative approaches and practices, disseminate and exchange knowledge on circular water management considering water reuse and recycling for agricultural production. The workshop will include field visits. AGENDA SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION before December 11, 2023 at 23:59 CET. If you have any questions, please contact
Agricultural film

Agricultural Film

Event focused on the agricultural film/plastic industry and application, including revolutionary material innovations, pest control strategies, production techniques and sustainability of silage, greenhouse, mulch films and more.
madridescienza fair
Fundación para el conocimiento MADRID+D

Madrid is Science Fair

The Madrid is Science Fair is a scientific outreach event aimed at school communities and the general public. Madrid is Science is intended as a comprehensive showcase of the R&D+i capabilities of the Community of Madrid for the construction of a sustainable future, showing citizens the response that Science, Technology and Innovation can give to the challenges of the planet. The entire value chain of talent in our region – educational centres, research centres, innovative companies, universities and institutions – will be represented at the next Fair.


Event for the functional ingredients, novel foods and finished products industry. It is also a forum for presentations of new launches, business development and to acquire new knowledge, trends, scientific innovations and training through academic content from renowned speakers.

AGROVID: Fair for the cultivation of vines

Agrovid presents its 3rd Edition as a qualified professional show aligned with the modernization demands that the sector is currently facing. Professionals will find everything they need on their visit to Agrovid: tractors, grape harvesters, spraying equipment, intelligent systems for applying phytosanitary products, new fertilization techniques, irrigation technologies, drones for precision agriculture and all kinds of auxiliary equipment for the wine sector. FREE REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONALS

BioCultura 2024 A Coruña

BioCultura, the largest fair for organic products and ecotourism in the state, will be held from March 1 to 3, 2024 at EXPOCoruña. This 5th edition in A Coruña will bring together more than 150 exhibitors dedicated to the sectors of organic food (with more than 10,000 references), ecotourism, organic cosmetics, sustainable fashion, healthy housing, well-being, eco-lifestyle, crafts and NGOs. More than 150 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition and it is expected to attract more than 13,000 visitors.

Gustoko 2024. Quality and origin

GUSTOKO is a food and gastronomy fair inspired by the agricultural world, which aims to maintain the quality and origin of local products, following artisanal standards in the production processes. We aim to link products and producers to a culture, a territory and a society. To see the activities click here
world olive exhibiton
Pomona Keepers

WOOE. World Olive Oil Exhibition

The World Olive Oil Exhibition is an international event where you can promote olive oils, position your brand and expand your contact portfolio while maintaining your relevance in the sector. To consult the event dossier click here
eu cap network

EU CAP Network Seminar ‘Skills and lifelong learning for agricultural advisory and training service providers’

The main objective of the seminar is to exchange knowledge and identify good practices for training and advisory services to support lifelong learning AKIS-wide This seminar will focus specifically on advisors and training providers including representatives from vocational education & training organisations. We also aim to include representatives of Managing Authorities whose work revolves around agriculture advisory and training, innovation brokers, representatives from farmer and forester organisations as well as researchers and representatives of EU-funded projects dealing with the theme of the seminar. Further information about the selection process and criteria. For any questions, please contact AGENDA