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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
Smart Agrifood Summit 2024

Smart Agrifood Summit 2024

Summit on open innovation and digitalisation applied to Food and the Agri-Food Chain. It is a benchmark event in the sector and a meeting point to find partners and increase funding and internationalisation channels, as well as to present new innovative products, services and projects. You can consult the PROGRAM and process your REGISTRATION for the summit. To consult the Summit dossier click here
eu cap network

Circular water management

The EU CAP Network workshop 'Circular water management' will take place in Seville (Spain) on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 March 2024. This event will be dedicated to bringing together innovation actors to share innovative approaches and practices, disseminate and exchange knowledge on circular water management considering water reuse and recycling for agricultural production. The workshop will include field visits. AGENDA SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION before December 11, 2023 at 23:59 CET. If you have any questions, please contact
Agricultural film

Agricultural Film

Event focused on the agricultural film/plastic industry and application, including revolutionary material innovations, pest control strategies, production techniques and sustainability of silage, greenhouse, mulch films and more.
madridescienza fair
Fundación para el conocimiento MADRID+D

Madrid is Science Fair

The Madrid is Science Fair is a scientific outreach event aimed at school communities and the general public. Madrid is Science is intended as a comprehensive showcase of the R&D+i capabilities of the Community of Madrid for the construction of a sustainable future, showing citizens the response that Science, Technology and Innovation can give to the challenges of the planet. The entire value chain of talent in our region – educational centres, research centres, innovative companies, universities and institutions – will be represented at the next Fair.


Event for the functional ingredients, novel foods and finished products industry. It is also a forum for presentations of new launches, business development and to acquire new knowledge, trends, scientific innovations and training through academic content from renowned speakers.

AGROVID: Fair for the cultivation of vines

Agrovid presents its 3rd Edition as a qualified professional show aligned with the modernization demands that the sector is currently facing. Professionals will find everything they need on their visit to Agrovid: tractors, grape harvesters, spraying equipment, intelligent systems for applying phytosanitary products, new fertilization techniques, irrigation technologies, drones for precision agriculture and all kinds of auxiliary equipment for the wine sector. FREE REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONALS

BioCultura 2024 A Coruña

BioCultura, the largest fair for organic products and ecotourism in the state, will be held from March 1 to 3, 2024 at EXPOCoruña. This 5th edition in A Coruña will bring together more than 150 exhibitors dedicated to the sectors of organic food (with more than 10,000 references), ecotourism, organic cosmetics, sustainable fashion, healthy housing, well-being, eco-lifestyle, crafts and NGOs. More than 150 activities will be held in parallel to the exhibition and it is expected to attract more than 13,000 visitors.

Gustoko 2024. Quality and origin

GUSTOKO is a food and gastronomy fair inspired by the agricultural world, which aims to maintain the quality and origin of local products, following artisanal standards in the production processes. We aim to link products and producers to a culture, a territory and a society. To see the activities click here
world olive exhibiton
Pomona Keepers

WOOE. World Olive Oil Exhibition

The World Olive Oil Exhibition is an international event where you can promote olive oils, position your brand and expand your contact portfolio while maintaining your relevance in the sector. To consult the event dossier click here
eu cap network

EU CAP Network Seminar ‘Skills and lifelong learning for agricultural advisory and training service providers’

The main objective of the seminar is to exchange knowledge and identify good practices for training and advisory services to support lifelong learning AKIS-wide This seminar will focus specifically on advisors and training providers including representatives from vocational education & training organisations. We also aim to include representatives of Managing Authorities whose work revolves around agriculture advisory and training, innovation brokers, representatives from farmer and forester organisations as well as researchers and representatives of EU-funded projects dealing with the theme of the seminar. Further information about the selection process and criteria. For any questions, please contact AGENDA

Northern Food and Equipment Exhibition (SALENOR)

Professional meeting for hospitality, hotels, food and services To consult the program click here
Taste Andalusia
Junta de Andalucía

II Congress Taste Andalusia

The “SABOREA ANDALUCIA 2023” project was born from the concern, not only to make the heritage known gastronomic sector of Andalusia led by professionals, true connoisseurs of our culture, but also to promote national products in our community. It aims to be a global meeting point for hospitality professionals from our Andalusian Community and the rest of the Spanish communities, in order to promote an approach to the diversity, creativity and culinary wealth of all communities, It aims to become a space for integration and commercial exhibition of the gastronomic sector in our Community for all national and international products. There is a substantial trade in goods in terms of imports and exports, as well as shipments of local and national products sent from Spain to other countries. This creates well-established relations that go beyond the strictly economic.

Challenge Foodtech 2024 (Murcia)

ICEX Spain Export and Investments is organizing a face-to-face meeting with companies and key players in the Spanish Foodtech ecosystem to provide first-hand information on the Desafía program, an immersion and support program aimed at the FoodTech sector, with the aim of improving its scalability and growth. At the events, questions about the Desafía program will be answered and individual interviews will be offered to those companies that request it. Activity aimed at innovative Agrifoodtech companies , created in 2016 or later, that operate in the following sectors: Alternative proteins. New generation natural and healthy ingredients. Food preservation and food safety. REGISTRATION | AGENDA | UCAM HITECH, Av, Andrés Hernández Ros 1, 30107 Guadalupe de Maciascoque, Murcia
Agroalmex Aragon Conference


Presentation day for SOS-Suelo, GANARAM and Biodiversa projects Registration at : Program 9:15 RECEPTION OF ATTENDEES 9:30 PRESENTATION OF THE DAY Chema Paraled, Director of Dos Esferas Communication Rogelio Cuairán, General Manager of the Zaragoza Fair Miguel Gutierrez, Managing Director of CITA Aragon Angel Samper, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Government of Aragon 10:00 PRESENTATION OF THE AGROALNEXT PROGRAM Inés Echeverría, CNTA R&D&i Director 10:20 PRESENTATION OF SOS SUELO José Manuel Mirás, Coordinator of Sos Suelo. Researcher at CITA Aragón 10:30 ROUND TABLE “Soil health and conservation: difficulties, eco-regimes and success stories” Luis Miguel Arregui, Professor at the Public University of Navarra and farmer with experience in conservation tillage José María Salamero, Advisor at the General Directorate of Rural Development, Government of Aragon Carlos Duque, Technical Manager of Viticulture at Bodega SOMMOS Ramón Isla, Agricultural Engineer. Researcher at CITA Aragón 11:15 COFFEE BREAK 11:45 BIODIVERSA PRESENTATION Ana Garcés, Biodiversa project coordinator. Researcher at CITA Aragón 12:00 ROUND TABLE “Sustainability and resilience in different agro-scenarios: experiences, research and public policies” Javier Rodrigo, Agricultural Engineer. Researcher at CITA Aragón Carlos Calvo, Director General of Agricultural Production, Government of Aragon Felipe Gómez de Valenzuela, Farmer collaborating with Gallicum Cooperative Esther Ciria, Farmer and member of the Aragonese Committee for Organic Agriculture 12:45 GANARAM PRESENTATION Clara Mª Marín, GANARAM project coordinator. Researcher at CITA Aragón 13:00 ROUND TABLE “Analysis and progress in the use of antibiotics in animals. Regulations, criteria and protocol in livestock farms” Antonio González de Bulnes, Head of R&D+i at Jorge Group José María González Sainz, Advisor on sheep production and health at PRAM Aragón Rosa Bolea, Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Zaragoza. One Health Aragon Clara Mª Marín, GANARAM project coordinator. Researcher at CITA Aragón 13:45 CONCLUSIONS and approach of the AGROALNEXT Aragón project Pilar Errea, Research Director CITA Aragón 14:00 CLOSING OF THE DAY

Challenge Foodtech 2024 (Barcelona)

ICEX Spain Export and Investments is organizing a face-to-face meeting with companies and key players in the Spanish Foodtech ecosystem to provide first-hand information on the Desafía program, an immersion and support program aimed at the FoodTech sector, with the aim of improving its scalability and growth. At the events, questions about the Desafía program will be answered and individual interviews will be offered to those companies that request it. Activity aimed at innovative Agrifoodtech companies , created in 2016 or later, that operate in the following sectors: Alternative proteins. New generation natural and healthy ingredients. Food preservation and food safety. REGISTRATION | AGENDA | ICEX Barcelona - Via Augusta 197-199 2nd floor, 08021 Barcelona

Challenge Foodtech 2024 (Madrid)

ICEX Spain Export and Investments is organizing a face-to-face meeting with companies and key players in the Spanish Foodtech ecosystem to provide first-hand information on the Desafía program, an immersion and support program aimed at the FoodTech sector, with the aim of improving its scalability and growth. At the events, questions about the Desafía program will be answered and individual interviews will be offered to those companies that request it. Activity aimed at innovative Agrifoodtech companies , created in 2016 or later, that operate in the following sectors: Alternative proteins. New generation natural and healthy ingredients. Food preservation and food safety. REGISTRATION | AGENDA | ICEX Madrid - Santiago de Chile Hall - Paseo de la Castellana, 278, 28046 Madrid
Day poster

Networking to promote innovation in the Avila agri-food industry

The Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León ( ITACyL ) and the Agri-Food Industry Association of Ávila ( Avilagro ) have organized a networking day to promote innovation in the food industry in the province of Avila. The meeting that will take place next Wednesday, February 14 in Ávila will allow companies that wish to participate to bring R&D closer together, thanks to the support in services and R&D projects in the field of agri-food facilitated by ITACyL . REGISTRATION | PROGRAM | Tatiana Foundation. Calle Caballeros 17, Ávila
9th National Rural Development Forum

IX National Forum on Rural Development

In this IX edition, the proposed theme is: “ AKIS. Consulting, information systems, innovation and agri-food knowledge ”. This event will show how all the tools and agents of the agri-food system are incorporated and articulated, and will also serve to share knowledge and experiences on how to improve agri-food innovation systems, from the point of view of both public and private professional activity. The aim of this new forum is to analyse the role played by AKIS in the innovation of agri-food systems and their impact on the economic and social development of the sector, as well as the role of advice within the AKIS system. Innovation systems are crucial to increasing the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of agri-food and agri-industry. All activities carried out during the Forum can be followed IN PERSON by prior registration or by STREAMING on this same page. PROGRAM , here REGISTRATION AND CONTACT , here
FIMA poster

International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA)

FIMA Agrícola has established itself as one of the most important and internationally recognised events in the agricultural sector. The international focus of the Fair attracts exhibitors and visitors from all over the world, generating a diverse and dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas, business and collaborations. FIMA is also distinguished by its commitment to excellence and quality in the organisation of technical talks and parallel activities that complement the main exhibition. Its long history, experience and focus on technology and knowledge make it an essential space to discover the latest developments, establish business contacts and participate in the dialogue and advancement of the global agricultural industry. TECHNICAL SHEET , here ACCREDITATION , here CONTACT , here


Feria líder en el comercio mundial de frutas: logística, maquinaria, tecnología, "organic rute" Información detallada => Programa