Application of extensive sheep and goat farming as a tool for fire control and prevention in Spain. Characterization and study of the benefits (GO PREVINOVIC)
The project works on two lines of work. Through the first line of work we will find out why the different programmes have a greater or lesser impact, the opinion that all the actors have about them and the impact they have on prevention in the medium and long term. With this we want to: Raise awareness among all the groups involved: livestock farmers, forest managers, local authorities, etc. Show the needs of livestock farmers who participate in prevention schemes, so that the administrations can take them into consideration, as well as the limitations of forest managers. Learn about the
Biotechnology for traceability and genetic selection in Spanish minority pig breeds (GO BIO4TRACE)
Determination of microsatellite profiles, SNPs and complete genome in minority breeds. Determination of fatty acid profile and IMF in meat from minority breeds; and relationship between objectively measurable stress and adaptation to the forest environment and exposure to extreme temperatures. Establishment of a statistically significant relationship between any of the markers studied and the morphological or production characteristics determined (stress, fatty acids, IMF). Establishment of criteria for selection assisted by markers for each breed and traceability through specific tests for